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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/charly-dork
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Charles Yang
#55 = me
Charles Yang
Charles Yang
hey i miss talking to u!
Charles Yang
well im gonna go to skool so take care ok seee u later bye bye 8)
Ami O'Shea
Yeah, school is going really fast. My school is amazing, I love it . All of my friends and teachers are so wonderful and bexcause it\'s a public school, it\'s a great opportunity to reach out to people. \"We\'re cryin\' for them come back home, Father we will lead them home.\" -Leeland, Tears of the Saints
Charles Yang
:D :D :D :D hehe well u and me should talk more silly!
Charles Yang
awwwww *hugs* well i hope u get better! well gosh just about 1 more month then im done with skool im excited lol so hows your skool? 8)
Ami O'Shea
About the same. I\'m in a battle with depression right now though, I was falling into it pretty fast but I\'m pretty sure I\'m winning now. :wink:
Charles Yang
lol well just myspace and stuff lol u? :D :D :D
Ami O'Shea
I\'m doing better than I deserve to be doing. Thank you for taking the time to ask. I\'m glad to hear from you again, it\'s been a while since we talked. What\'ve you been up to?
Charles Yang
8) hey u!!!! i miss u lol
Charles Yang
hey :D hows things going?
Charles Yang
can u add me then? pretty please :D http://www.myspace.com/just_charles_yang we can be friends there too!
Charles Yang
well i just got mypraize cuz my friend wanted me to get one and now im using mypraize and myspace lol its pretty fun, my day is going great hope to hear from u soon 8)
Ami O'Shea
I have a myspace too. I like putting lots of music videos on it. :)

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