chris saunders
my little bros graduation
chris saunders
me and my lil bro
chris saunders
lol yeah i like my song to. but i could probably go the rest of my life without school.....if i could still get a good job. =)
Emily Thompson
BORED :) thats about it :) anndddd cant wait for school! love your song :)
chris saunders
nothing much what about you?
Emily Thompson
i wish my parents would realize that :/
Emily Thompson
i wish my parents would realize that :/
Emily Thompson
i wish my parents would realize that :/
Emily Thompson
but anywho, whats up?
chris saunders
youtube doesn\'t have any problems and if it does just set up some firewalls.
Emily Thompson
yeah..but my parents dont like youtube.cause it can cause viruses and junk...but thats just then :D