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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/clownman
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Kirk Herbertsaon
hey pooph
luke frazier
luke frazier
luke frazier
Kirk Herbertsaon
Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to Ryan , Happy Birthday to you . And many more . :D Congratulations on turnng to the teen years.
Kirk Herbertsaon
Hi Was just looking to see if I had any messages on mypraize and saw you on so I thought I would stop by and say HI
Kristin Haas
Thanks! I appreciate it. How are you doing?
Kirk Herbertsaon
Thanks for the add
Kirk Herbertsaon
Thanks for the add . You did a great job sharing about your mission trip . :D
Alex Cromer
Hi i\'m looking forward to swimming with you this summer 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :D :D :D :D :D
Jeremy Smith
I don\'t know If i\'ll be able to make it??? I don\'t know??? Thanks for asking!
Zachary Smith
i thout u would be in it i\'ll try to come :lol: :lol:
hey pooph
hello and i am jeremy\'S AND ZACH\"S friend
Andrew Cromer
Hi.What\'s up.Are you going to get a song or video?

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