Bio : My name is Cody Boles. I am 32 years old. I was born in Red Bluff California. I was not raised in church as a child nor had I any biblical upbringing. As I got older because of minor childhood trauma, my sins and the brokenness of this world life became difficult and I lost everything and reverted to drugs. Where I had spent 5 years homeless. Throughout my 20's although it was chaotic I spent much time searching the scriptures and seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ. Over the time of my life, God has undoubtedly shown up to my rescue time and time again. In the year of 2020 I got clean for the next 39 months and although I had a relationship with God through Jesus Christ I was still missing something in my life and my faith. In the last year, my life began to fall apart again and I went to a Christian Recovery Center where I realized that I needed to be more sincere with God regarding acknowledging the seriousness of my sins past and present. It's not that I had not been remorseful throughout my life over the sins I had committed, the people I had hurt, and the loss of experiences but I never approached God in a a way where I was ready to be completely honest with Him and myself and seek repentance and forgiveness. As I grow in my faith I am starting to experience an understanding of who I am as his child and my identity in Christ and the more I come to know Him the more I want to apply His word and submit my entire life and heart to Him. I don't want to be who I was before Him. I don't want to hold on to sin anymore. I know that there is only one way for us to be saved, for us to receive salvation and be delivered from the power of sin and death and that is through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Chirst.