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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/consuming-fire
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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grant leach
Kristina Stonestreet
hey hey hey whats up cutie? :D -kristina-
Kristina Stonestreet
hey there cutie :wink:
Jim Green
long time no see eh?? ^_^
Jim Green
long time no see eh?? ^_^
Jackelyn Doyle
hey hun! i miss you already! :cry: i don't know what i'm gonna do with out yall. i promise i'll write, and send somthin! o man are you gonna have to kiss the fish! wohoo! :lol: well i'm sure you're almost there, if not already, and if you are there you should be givin hugs to everyone for me! see ya in 2 weeks! i love ya! XOXOXO jackie
Jim Green
Nice page :)
grant leach
i did have packer symbols on there to but they never show lol so oh well lol, well its nice to see ya on here lol
Micaela Martin
hey look, ur on! lol wow i havent talked u in like forever! at least ill c u in 16 days!!!!!!! [b]YAY[/b] peace
grant leach
lol ive tried your status is always set away tho, like lately it seems like your sick or something
Beth Jackson
IM me AIM xBethJ28x :]
grant leach
mine will be grantcleve@yahoo or aim
Alex Lycett
thanks for the add. what's up? much love, Alex :D
Beth Jackson
haha, sorry about that. but it's at AIM and i have a yahoo one, if you'd like that one too :]
Moriah Prichard
Hey! Yes! Camp will be awesome! lol, I'm excited! Wow, it's coming up so fast! Love ya! Ttyl :D

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