This is the first time I have written a blog on here. I know I should have done it sooner but I have so much going on and I just got back from vacation! So anyway I guess I will tell you about my vacation. I went to Washington D.C. I had a blast! I got to see the white house but if you want to you have to write through your senator like 6 months in advance so fair warning travelers. I got to see all the memorials and some of them were sad. Arlington was really sad but at the same time amazing. There was a lot of history I never knew about how it starting. We got to see all around and I was there on the 4th of July for the concert and the fireworks for you people who stayed home if you watched pbs that was the tv special for it. I have say it was awseme. I also had a blast. Even if it was with my parents. About 8 days was all I could take of them! Before that we drove to Gettysburg and got to see that which was awseme to see where that civil war was actually fought. And if you think lee was all bad he was not like everyone tries to make him out to be. He was actually not he did help a lot and he did not want to fight against his family and his state and I can't say I blame him. That is why Arlinton got started because some people in the Union did it so he would never move back there and he never did. I mean not a surprise would you move on a ground that had people burried on the grounds around I did have fun though but I was ready to come home. Hope you guys are having a great summer!
This is the first time I have written a blog on here. I know I should have done it sooner but I have so much going on and…
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