Jake Ebersole
What\'s their site? We haven\'t decided fully on t-shirts yet. Thanks and God Bless.
kristen nicholl
hola dude! :D
Jake Ebersole
Hey Chinco. What\'s going on? How is the book coming? Do you have a myspace? I haven\'t seen you on the chat lately so I just wanted to see how you were doing. I hope you are doing ok. God Bless.
Jake :D
krisstal silvarrey
i love ur pic. :)
Meredith Meadows
Jake Ebersole
You are cruel and non-upflifting. How dare you tell a girl that she is stupid. You must got some nerve.
Meredith Meadows
hii :!: :D
Cortney You don't needs ta know :)
hey waz up?? :D :)
Jake Ebersole
I just started my blog earlier so that\'s why I don\'t have any friends yet. God Bless.
Jake :)
Emily Wheeler
wow, no buddies...sad, i guess ill be nice and add you :lol: