Chain Reaction
""~ see it!! omgsh, whoa this will inspire you!!
i didnt even kno him, i kno
im not a close family friend, i kno
im not her neighbor, i kno
i didnt really talk to her until this past summer, i kno
but i also kno that no matter how for away or distant you may be it is always okay to show compassion for another human being, i just think this is something you shouldnt have to think about, just do it. dont hesitate to be kind, there are no "what ifs, ands, buts!" Jesus didnt hesitate to be tortured, carry and hang on that cross, why should we hesitate to show a little kindness?? <"You may just start a chain reaction.."~Rachael Joy Scott> im not saying that you will change the world but i kno you will change your enviornment, wherever you go you should be a light, a beacon shining above the everyday, a magnet to the worn and helpless, you dont beleive me but you nvr kno until you try..
""~ see it!! omgsh, whoa this will inspire you!!
i didnt even kno him, i kno
im not a close family friend,…
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