Friday, May 24, 2019
Week #3 ? Day #5
Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12
Joyce Meyer
?Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature??
Matthew 6:27
Anxiety and worry are both attacks on the mind intended to distract us from serving the Lord. The enemy uses both of these torments to press our faith down, so it cannot rise up and help us live in victory. Some of us may even be addicted to worrying.
On the other hand, peace is a fruit of the Spirit that results from abiding in Jesus (John 15:4). Abiding relates to the rest found only in God that Hebrews 4 talks about. Jesus tells us that by His Spirit, peace is resident in us, but we must not allow ourselves to be fearful, intimidated, and unsettled.
Peace must be chosen over what our fleshly mind thinks. Worry never makes anything better so why not give it up?
Worry is an attack of the enemy upon the mind and God?s Word instructs the believer what to do with his mind and the enemy wants to make sure that you don?t.
So the devil attempts to keep the mental arena busy enough with wrong kinds of thinking so that the mind never gets around to being used for the purpose for which God designed it. Matthew 6:25-34 are excellent Scriptures to read when we feel a worry or anxiety attack coming on.
God intended for our lives to be of such high quality that we enjoy it immensely and this is not dependent on our circumstances, but wholly dependent on our trust in Jesus and not worrying!
I like to say that worry or anxiety is spending today trying to figure out tomorrow. Let?s lear to use the time God has given to us for what He intended: Life is to be lived ? here and now! Don?t let the enemy or flesh rob you of Jesus? abundant life for you ? by worrying!
Please leave a ?yes? if you read today?s lesson and share your favorite summertime activity. If you have a moment?
Were you challenged and encouraged by today?s lesson?
Maybe share a time when God?s Word helped walk you through a difficult season in your life.
Let?s encourage one another.
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