
cynthia sullivan







14 Jan

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Bio : Georgetown,S.C & retired now in Wilmington,N/c
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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/cynthia
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Alice Wicker, Secretary
3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago
Miss you! Hope all is well!
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Let us study God's word together !! See you later!
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Why Faith Matters January 10 ?God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God.? PSALM 53:2 (NLT) The Bible tells us three things about the importance of faith: Faith matters because God is looking for people who seek him. God is physically, visibly, and actively looking for faithful people he can bless. If you make yourself usable, God will accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible. God is always looking for faithful people who he can use. Faith matters because it stands out. Some people talk the talk of faith, but they don't live a life of faith. They say they believe in God, but they don't fully trust him when it comes to specific things in their lives, such as their finances, health, or job. Faith is hard to find. When the challenges in life are causing you to doubt God's goodness, remember every test is an opportunity to trust. Faith matters because it leads to blessing and victory.The Bible says,"For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve thisvictory through our faith. And whocan win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God" (1 John 5:4-5 NLT). God wants to fill your life with blessings. But in order for you to enjoy those blessings, you have to put your faith in Jesus
Why Faith Matters January 10 ?God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anRead More
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Hello Everyone Let us all Invite 2 Or more People Here to mP & grow this group!! They may start groups or join in existing groups!! ask them to also invite 2 People!
Hello Everyone Let us all Invite 2 Or more People Here to mP & grow this group!! They may start groups or join in existingRead More
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Day 10: I want to know God ? but so often, I am consumed by the cares of my crazy world that I miss Him. So, I decided to start my day by reminding myself God is good, He gloriously reigns over every detail of my life. To help me remember, I take a pen & a notebook from the dollar store & open my Bible. Whatever passage I am reading that day, I ask myself this question, ?What do I learn about God?s character through this Scripture?? And then I make a list. During my prayer time, I will often begin by acknowledging those very attributes. The Lord is peace, Truth, & freedom. He is guarding my life & teaching me how to live wisely. He always responds to my heart?s cry. Let?s Chat: How will you remind yourself that God is infinitely bigger than anything you will face on a bad day? #365FaithFuelChallenge #GodIsGood #GodFirst
Day 10: I want to know God ? but so often, I am consumed by the cares of my crazy world that I miss Him. So, I decided to start myRead More
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  • cynthia sullivan Let?s Chat: How will you remind yourself that God is infinitely bigger than anything you will face on a bad day?
    5 years ago
  • Williaem Michael God is good
    4 years ago
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cynthia sullivan
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

JUNE 28=Friday

Hi Everyone!
Here is another short Devotional to hopefully bless your day!

You are the apple of His eye.

"Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings."
Psalm 17:8

Did you know, did you realize, that God Almighty only ever thinks about YOU? His Word tells us He only thinks loving, kind, respectful, cherishing, exquisitely lovely, good, purposeful thoughts about you constantly. His thoughts of you in any given moment outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore.

You are the apple of His eye. Quite literally, you are the pupil of His eye. You know, the black dot in the middle? In other words, He only sees you as a lover only sees the object of His affection.

If you have cause to doubt this ageless truth in this moment, well, it is time to get back to His Word. His unfailing, Truth-filled Word. It is time to carve a niche of your life to be alone with King Jesus the Living Word. He wants to remind you that you are everything to Him.

Because you, dear one, are all He sees.
Please leave a "yes" if you read today's short Devotional. If you have a moment, please share how it impacted your heart...

Hi Everyone! Here is another short Devotional to hopefully bless your day! You are the apple of His eye. "Keep me as t… Read More
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  • Heather marie yes I love that short devotional. It impacted my heart because It reminded me just how much he loves me and thinks of me and no matter what the situation I am going through he has me and my best interest in mind.
    5 years ago
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Wednesday, May 29, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #3 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #13 Joyce Meyer

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Week #4 ? Day #3
Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #13
Joyce Meyer

?And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own??
Matthew 7:3

The devil loves to keep us busy, mentally judging the faults of others. That way, we never see or deal with what is wrong with us!

We cannot change others, only God can. We cannot change ourselves either, but we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to do the work. Step One to any freedom is to face the truth the Lord is trying to show us about ourselves.

One pastor I know states that when he hears that another person has spoken an unkind thing about him, he asks the question, ?Are they sowing, or am I reaping?? Many times we are reaping in our lives what we have previously sown into the life of another by being critical. Ouch, ouch, ouch!

If you want the life of Jesus to flow into you and from you, guard your heart and mind. Certain types of thoughts are unthinkable for a believer ? make judgment and criticism among them. Now let?s add suspicion which can cripple and destroy relationships. When we are truly trusting the Lord, we can rest in the fact that He will take care of us, even when others aren?t looking out for our best interests.

Our thoughts are silent words that only we and the Lord hear, but those words affect our inner man, our health, our joy, and our attitude. The things we think on often come out of our mouth. Remember that judgement, criticism, and suspicion never bring joy. Begin to operate in the mind of Christ and you will step into a whole new realm of living.

Please leave a ?yes? if you read today?s lesson. If you have a moment?

Think about your day today. Were you critical, even if it was only in your thoughts? If you read this lesson in the morning, try to set your mind to have a ?critical fast? day! In other words, don?t allow any critical thoughts to take hold ? feel your joy level rise.

We will look at Chapter

Wednesday, May 29, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #3 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #13 Joyce Meyer ?And why worry about a speck… Read More
  • 2
  • cynthia sullivan Yes Lord I love You more than anything else. Lord You know what I'm going though today, I need your healing touch to make my body normal again. You are my strength. I ask this in the Name Above All Names Jesus Christ, Amen ?
    5 years ago
  • Heather marie yes very good lesson. I think more than anything I can be critical of myself and need to realize I need time and patience for growth and change to be better. I will admit I have been critical in the past with people but I am changing that way that I have been to be better and do better in Gods eyes.
    5 years ago
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Tuesday, May 28, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #2 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #13 Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Week #4 ? Day #2
Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #13
Joyce Meyer

?Judge not, that you be not judged.? Matthew 7:1

Much torment comes to people?s lives because of judgmental attitudes, criticism, and suspicion. Multitudes of relationships are destroyed by judgmental and critical thoughts and when they are turned into words, they can keep a person very isolated and lonely. Once again, the mind is the battlefield.

One definition of judgement is ?a decision passed on the faults of others.? God is the only One Who has the right to condemn or judge, therefore, when we pass judgement on another, we are, in a sense, setting ourselves up as God in his life.

Some personalities are more given to this fault than others. However, we must realize that each of us have our own way of seeing things. We like to tell people what we think, and that is exactly the point ? what I think may be right for me, but not necessarily right for you and vice versa.

This type of continual thinking can poison our thoughts ? and our lives. The root of this thinking may reveal a deeper problem ? pride. When the ?I? in us is bigger than it should be, it will always cause the kinds of problems we are discussing.

Please leave a ?yes" if you read today?s lesson and once again, tell us where you are from! If you have a moment?

Share your thoughts about this chapter and how it spoke to your heart.

We will remain in this Chapter 13 tomorrow

Tuesday, May 28, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #2 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #13 Joyce Meyer ?Judge not, that you be not jud… Read More
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  • cynthia sullivan Yes, when we point our fingers at others, it says more about us than them.Jesus said, "you without sin, cast the first stone.?Only Jesus was without sin.We really cast judgement upon ourselves
    5 years ago
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Monday, May 27, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #1 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12 Joyce Meyer

Monday, May 27, 2019
Week #4 ? Day #1
Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12
Joyce Meyer

Hi Everyone! I decided to ?stay? one more day in Chapter 12 from Friday about an Anxious/Worried Mind.

?So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.?
Matthew 6:34

I like to describe worry or anxiety as spending today trying to figure out tomorrow. Let?s learn to use the time God has given us for what He intended.

Life is to be lived ? here and now!

Sadly, very few people know how to live each day to the fullest. But you can be one of them. Jesus said that satan, the enemy, comes to steal your life (John 10:10). Don?t allow him to do it any longer! God?s grace is on you to handle whatever you need for today, but tomorrow?s grace will not come until tomorrow comes ? so don?t waste today.

When worry or anxiety come, I highly recommend speaking the Word of God out of your mouth. It is the two-edged sword that must be wielded against the enemy. A sword in its sheath won?t do any good during an attack. God has given us His Word, use it! Learn Scriptures like Phil. 4:6, 2 Cor. 10:5. Learn to walk in God?s presence and peace (John 14:27). Remember that peace is not the absence of strife or difficult circumstances ? it is the presence of Christ.

?For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.?
2 Timothy 1:7

When the thoughts being offered to you do not agree with God?s Word, the best way to shut the devil up is to speak the Word. The Word in your mouth, with the faith to back it up, is the single most effective weapon that can be used to win the war against worry and anxiety.


Please leave a ?yes? if you read today?s lesson and share with us one lovely, fun, or blessed thing that happened to you this past weekend. If you have a moment?

How does this lesson encourage and challenge you? 

Do you have another story to share when God?s Word defeated fear and worry in your life?

Comment please 

Tomorrow we will look at Chapter #13

Monday, May 27, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #1 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12 Joyce Meyer Hi Everyone! I decided to ?sta… Read More
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  • cynthia sullivan Yes. This chapter def needs an extra day!! So good! Addresses current challenges!!
    5 years ago
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FROM my Devotion today! (study)

Friday, May 24, 2019
Week #3 ? Day #5
Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12

Joyce Meyer

?Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature??
Matthew 6:27

Anxiety and worry are both attacks on the mind intended to distract us from serving the Lord. The enemy uses both of these torments to press our faith down, so it cannot rise up and help us live in victory. Some of us may even be addicted to worrying.

On the other hand, peace is a fruit of the Spirit that results from abiding in Jesus (John 15:4). Abiding relates to the rest found only in God that Hebrews 4 talks about. Jesus tells us that by His Spirit, peace is resident in us, but we must not allow ourselves to be fearful, intimidated, and unsettled.

 Peace must be chosen over what our fleshly mind thinks. Worry never makes anything better so why not give it up?

Worry is an attack of the enemy upon the mind and God?s Word instructs the believer what to do with his mind and the enemy wants to make sure that you don?t. 

So the devil attempts to keep the mental arena busy enough with wrong kinds of thinking so that the mind never gets around to being used for the purpose for which God designed it. Matthew 6:25-34 are excellent Scriptures to read when we feel a worry or anxiety attack coming on.

God intended for our lives to be of such high quality that we enjoy it immensely and this is not dependent on our circumstances, but wholly dependent on our trust in Jesus and not worrying! 

I like to say that worry or anxiety is spending today trying to figure out tomorrow. Let?s lear to use the time God has given to us for what He intended: Life is to be lived ? here and now! Don?t let the enemy or flesh rob you of Jesus? abundant life for you ? by worrying!

Please leave a ?yes? if you read today?s lesson and share your favorite summertime activity. If you have a moment?

Were you challenged and encouraged by today?s lesson?

 Maybe share a time when God?s Word helped walk you through a difficult season in your life.

 Let?s encourage one another.

Comment under this post! Thanks1

Friday, May 24, 2019 Week #3 ? Day #5 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12 Joyce Meyer ?Which of you by worrying … Read More
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  • cynthia sullivan yes,When worry has come knocking, Matthew 6 has always been my go-to. Now, as I have seen the Lord's faithfulness in my life, over and over, and over again, worry really doesn't have anywhere to land! I have learned to not take things "lying down," but cling to Jesus to show me what is really going on and take His authority over the situation. Most certainly, being diagnosed with stage 4 incurable cancer has been one of the biggest testimonies of His amazing love and power. He gave me such joy and comfort every step of the way, then miraculously healed me
    5 years ago
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Kathi (Admin)
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago
Cynthia, if you will send me a list of your Facebook friends that will be joining you, I can let you know as soon as they register ;)
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This is our PRAYER POST! Please leave a prayer Request &/or Praise Report! Then let us pray for each other leave them an encouraging message-Prayer_ & scripture to help the m get thru waht they are going thru & something to hang on to with God !
This is our PRAYER POST! Please leave a prayer Request &/or Praise Report! Then let us pray for each other leave them an eRead More
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[[[[[ Here We go ]]]]] DISCUSSION QUESTIONS! JOIN IN COMMENT DISCUSS ! JUMP IN! After You have watched video & used Message notes together
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  • cynthia sullivan Do not forget to click on more comments under the right side bottoms of comments!
    5 years ago
Alice Wicker, Secretary
Miss you! Hope all is well!
cynthia sullivan
Let us study God's word together !! See you later!
cynthia sullivan
Why Faith Matters January 10 ?God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God.? PSALM 53:2 (NLT) The Bible tells us three things about the importance of faith: Faith matters because God is looking for people who seek him. God is physically, visibly, and actively looking for faithful people he can bless. If you make yourself usable, God will accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible. God is always looking for faithful people who he can use. Faith matters because it stands out. Some people talk the talk of faith, but they don't live a life of faith. They say they believe in God, but they don't fully trust him when it comes to specific things in their lives, such as their finances, health, or job. Faith is hard to find. When the challenges in life are causing you to doubt God's goodness, remember every test is an opportunity to trust. Faith matters because it leads to blessing and victory.The Bible says,"For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve thisvictory through our faith. And whocan win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God" (1 John 5:4-5 NLT). God wants to fill your life with blessings. But in order for you to enjoy those blessings, you have to put your faith in Jesus
cynthia sullivan
Hello Everyone Let us all Invite 2 Or more People Here to mP & grow this group!! They may start groups or join in existing groups!! ask them to also invite 2 People!
cynthia sullivan
Day 10: I want to know God ? but so often, I am consumed by the cares of my crazy world that I miss Him. So, I decided to start my day by reminding myself God is good, He gloriously reigns over every detail of my life. To help me remember, I take a pen & a notebook from the dollar store & open my Bible. Whatever passage I am reading that day, I ask myself this question, ?What do I learn about God?s character through this Scripture?? And then I make a list. During my prayer time, I will often begin by acknowledging those very attributes. The Lord is peace, Truth, & freedom. He is guarding my life & teaching me how to live wisely. He always responds to my heart?s cry. Let?s Chat: How will you remind yourself that God is infinitely bigger than anything you will face on a bad day? #365FaithFuelChallenge #GodIsGood #GodFirst
cynthia sullivan
Life can be so hard. A difficult diagnosis, terrible traumas, and unexpected heartache can plunge us into a darkness that makes it hard to see any hope. But there is a way to "bend the light," and to see through even the hardest of days: When it's So Dark All You Can See is Faith https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fannv…
cynthia sullivan
JUNE 28=Friday
cynthia sullivan
Wednesday, May 29, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #3 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #13 Joyce Meyer
cynthia sullivan
Tuesday, May 28, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #2 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #13 Joyce Meyer
cynthia sullivan
Monday, May 27, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #1 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12 Joyce Meyer
cynthia sullivan
FROM my Devotion today! (study)
Kathi (Admin)
Cynthia, if you will send me a list of your Facebook friends that will be joining you, I can let you know as soon as they register ;)
cynthia sullivan
This is our PRAYER POST! Please leave a prayer Request &/or Praise Report! Then let us pray for each other leave them an encouraging message-Prayer_ & scripture to help the m get thru waht they are going thru & something to hang on to with God !
cynthia sullivan
[[[[[ Here We go ]]]]] DISCUSSION QUESTIONS! JOIN IN COMMENT DISCUSS ! JUMP IN! After You have watched video & used Message notes together

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