?And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own??
Matthew 7:3
The devil loves to keep us busy, mentally judging the faults of others. That way, we never see or deal with what is wrong with us!
We cannot change others, only God can. We cannot change ourselves either, but we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to do the work. Step One to any freedom is to face the truth the Lord is trying to show us about ourselves.
One pastor I know states that when he hears that another person has spoken an unkind thing about him, he asks the question, ?Are they sowing, or am I reaping?? Many times we are reaping in our lives what we have previously sown into the life of another by being critical. Ouch, ouch, ouch!
If you want the life of Jesus to flow into you and from you, guard your heart and mind. Certain types of thoughts are unthinkable for a believer ? make judgment and criticism among them. Now let?s add suspicion which can cripple and destroy relationships. When we are truly trusting the Lord, we can rest in the fact that He will take care of us, even when others aren?t looking out for our best interests.
Our thoughts are silent words that only we and the Lord hear, but those words affect our inner man, our health, our joy, and our attitude. The things we think on often come out of our mouth. Remember that judgement, criticism, and suspicion never bring joy. Begin to operate in the mind of Christ and you will step into a whole new realm of living.
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Think about your day today. Were you critical, even if it was only in your thoughts? If you read this lesson in the morning, try to set your mind to have a ?critical fast? day! In other words, don?t allow any critical thoughts to take hold ? feel your joy level rise.
We will look at Chapter