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Monday, May 27, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #1 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12 Joyce Meyer

Monday, May 27, 2019
Week #4 ? Day #1
Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12
Joyce Meyer

Hi Everyone! I decided to ?stay? one more day in Chapter 12 from Friday about an Anxious/Worried Mind.

?So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.?
Matthew 6:34

I like to describe worry or anxiety as spending today trying to figure out tomorrow. Let?s learn to use the time God has given us for what He intended.

Life is to be lived ? here and now!

Sadly, very few people know how to live each day to the fullest. But you can be one of them. Jesus said that satan, the enemy, comes to steal your life (John 10:10). Don?t allow him to do it any longer! God?s grace is on you to handle whatever you need for today, but tomorrow?s grace will not come until tomorrow comes ? so don?t waste today.

When worry or anxiety come, I highly recommend speaking the Word of God out of your mouth. It is the two-edged sword that must be wielded against the enemy. A sword in its sheath won?t do any good during an attack. God has given us His Word, use it! Learn Scriptures like Phil. 4:6, 2 Cor. 10:5. Learn to walk in God?s presence and peace (John 14:27). Remember that peace is not the absence of strife or difficult circumstances ? it is the presence of Christ.

?For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.?
2 Timothy 1:7

When the thoughts being offered to you do not agree with God?s Word, the best way to shut the devil up is to speak the Word. The Word in your mouth, with the faith to back it up, is the single most effective weapon that can be used to win the war against worry and anxiety.


Please leave a ?yes? if you read today?s lesson and share with us one lovely, fun, or blessed thing that happened to you this past weekend. If you have a moment?

How does this lesson encourage and challenge you? 

Do you have another story to share when God?s Word defeated fear and worry in your life?

Comment please 

Tomorrow we will look at Chapter #13

Monday, May 27, 2019 Week #4 ? Day #1 Battlefield of the Mind ? Chapter #12 Joyce Meyer Hi Everyone! I decided to ?sta… Read More
  • 1
  • cynthia sullivan Yes. This chapter def needs an extra day!! So good! Addresses current challenges!!
    5 years ago