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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/daddys-girl
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Taylor Spann
Anna Holden
hi there! i was looking at the people in my groups and saw ur pic and was like \"wow...another miley cyrus poser\" (sorry bout that btw) but then i clicked on the pic to see it closer and u looked kinda dif. but hey! u look kinda like miley!
mandy hinkle
Wow you kind of look like Miley Cyris. You know from Hannah Montanna. she\'s pretty so thats a good thing. :D
Irene Nesterenko
Are you kidding me?!?! I LOVE ALL THOS BANDS!!!! (How bout third day? :D )
Aric Jay
u play any sports?
David Bretland
hey demon hunter and underOATH r saweet im goin to addd u
Taylor Spann
hey we have the same names!! haha that's funny! God Bless Taylor :D
Taylor Spann
hey hey hey!!! i'm like abosolutley in LOVE with your pic!!! it is so unique (but in a good way) so how have you been?? what is God doing in your life right now?? God Bless Taylor :D
Taylor Spann
hey!!! what's going on?? my name is taylor spann and i live in alton, illinois. I love sports and i love just getting to know other people. tell me a little bit about yourself!!! Taylor :D
Taylor Spann
HEY!!! My name is Taylor...i would like to get to know you better so write back!!! Taylor God Bless!! :D
Haley James
Hey!! what is up thnx for the add!!! Haley :!:
Taylor Spann
HEY!! Any time. I've been looking for a different thing then myspace and finally found one that i don't have to watch my back on. I'm kind of new at this and that's why i don't really have a background or anything. So yea buhbye! :lol: Taylor
Jake Stewart
Hey thanks for the invite!!!! My name is Jake!!!!! :D :D God Bless!

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