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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/dancegirl-93
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Kristin Owen
Marie Allen
well we ended up not being able to do it yet. we won\'t be able to do the bowling thing until the week after christmas, but maybe u can go with us then and amberlin coming would be a great idea. i\'ll be sure to let u know when we set a new date so that u can come
Kristin Owen
I will have to ask my dad if I can go...if i do go would you want me to see if amberlin can come...if its ok with you. I doubt she\'ll be able to but its worth a shot.
Marie Allen
ok well what r u doing on wednesday at like noon? cause me bethany, tabitha and another friend of ours r going bowling at the smyrna bowling ally. So when did u start dancing again?
Kristin Owen
Kristin Owen
im leaving for florida on the 23 and I wont be back until the 4th...but maybe we could hang out somtime before then......this week?. I get done with my school work by 10:00 so im pretty much free unless I have dance :D
Marie Allen
hey kristin. wow i haven\'t talked to u in 4 ever. i have been ok. just school,unfortunately. tomorrows my last day til christmas break so i\'m excited. how have u been? have u been enjoying homeschooling? we should get together sometime over the break and catch up on things. :D
Kristin Owen
I saw the flags do you do winterguard or colorguard?????
Kristin Owen
i havent bee on in forever..i have a speech and debate tounoment tommorow and saturday..yaikes. so nervous....well see how it goes. how have youbeen :?:
Kristin Owen
i havent bee on in forever..i have a speech and debate tounoment tommorow and saturday..yaikes. so nervous....well see how it goes. how have youbeen :?:
Marie Allen
Marie Allen
hey girl how have u been i haven\'t talked to u in 4ever. so r u liking homeschooling? we need to hang out sometime. we miss u. it is so different without u.
Marie Allen
hey girly wats up? u really need to get on more especially since ur not coming back next year. ;heart;
Marie Allen
thanx :D
Chelsie Boyd
Thanks for stopping by and for the friend request. Keep on doing what you do for Jesus and always remember that everyone can reach someone for Jesus and you are never too old or young to do something for God.

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