Adelina Milano
Recital '07
Adelina Milano
Wow, wish mine was that high O.o
Adelina Milano
Romeo and Juliet-love this ballet!
Adelina Milano
Adelina Milano
wow I haven\'t been on here forever. got some updating to do..
nice video! :D
Kylie Welch
I\'m have rehearsals been going?
Adelina Milano
Hi! how are ya?
Adelina Milano
hard, and long :) that\'s cool you get to wear a costume, I wonder if you can wear a tutu O.O :D that would be cool!
Adelina Milano
Hewo! How are ya? And what level did you get into? :D
Kate Holland
wats up? :shock:
Adelina Milano
:cry: It\'s soooo boring and uneventful without you here!! The studio just isn\'t the same!! But, I hope you\'re having fun and all and I heard you didn\'t like the food :( that stinks! Maybe I should send you something...? hmmmm
Sarah Betts
hey how r u :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D :D :?:
Eileen Field
*cough cough* JEEP *cough cough*