Name:: Thomas S.C.
Birth date:: 1/8/85
Birthplace:: something, OH
Current location:: the battlefield
Eye Color:: blue/brown/green
Hair Color:: dark brown
Height:: 6’1’’
Piercings:: no
Tattoos:: nada
Overused Phrase:: incomprehensible syllables
Food:: anything that taste good!
Candy:: no
Number:: 5
Color:: green
Animal:: birds
Drink:: pixie dew
Alcholic Drink:: seven and seven
Letter:: Alpha and Omega
Body part on opposite sex:: heart
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: Pepsi
Macdonald's or Burger King:: McD’s
Strawberry or Watermelon:: Strawberries
Hot tea or Ice tea:: Hot
Choclolate or Vanilla:: Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug:: Hug
Dog or Cat:: Cat
Rap or Punk:: Punk (straight edge)
Summer or Winter:: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:: Funny
Love or Money:: Love
Bedtime:: Whenever
Most missed memory:: Catapalooza Hug
Best phyiscal feature:: Eyes
First Thought Waking Up:: Thankyou God!
Goal for this year:: Succeed
Best Friends:: Too many to list
Weakness:: Stubbornness
Fears:: being all alone!
Heritage:: Starting with me, Awesomeness!
Have You....
Ever Drank:: Yes
Ever Smoked:: nope
Pot:: nope
Ever been Drunk:: nope
Ever been beaten up:: nope
Ever Skinny Dipped:: nope
In a guy/girl.....
Favorite Eye Color:: any
.Favorite Hair Color:: any
Short or Long:: nothing extreme
Height:: any
Style:: anything not fake
Looks or Personality:: personality
Hot or Cute:: Hot
Muscular or Really Skinny:: neither
Number of Regrets in the Past:: I let go of them
What country do you want to Visit:: Germany, England, Japan
How do you want to Die:: Instantly
Been to the Mall Lately:: No
Do you like Thunderstorms:: No, they keep me awake at night
Get along with your Parents:: Yes
Health Freak:: I wish.
Do you think your Attractive:: “I’m dead sexy!”
Believe in Yourself:: I believe in God in me!
Want to go to College:: More than anything, YES!
Do you Smoke:: No
Do you Drink:: Sometimes
Shower Daily:: Uh, yeah.
Been in Love:: Only twice.
Do you Sing:: No, I’m the drummer.
Want to get Married:: Later, much later
Do you want Children:: “Too soon to tell”
Hate anyone:: No-way! Erase the hate!