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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/erin2009
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erin enyart
Morgan Flesher
Hey girl what have you been up 2?
erin enyart
yeah i know i will call you wheni have the time i promise...im so busy and now im looking for a job..and on top of that school its to much to handle..but thats good that your going next year but now i wish that i went there...but i love sidney though...but your right we need to hang out or go to walmart at the same time..love you bunches...erin :lol:
erin enyart
hey hey..well i like this website thinger its pretty neat. my and thomas are doing good we have been together about 9 months now altogether which seems like forever but he is so worth it..how are you and Ethan i think his name is..sorry if its not. i can afficially drive in 2 months..YAY im so excited..we wil have to go shopping or something fun.
Morgan Flesher
I know call me sometime and we will have to get togetther
Morgan Flesher
The only time we see eachother is in walmart :P haha.. yah im 4 sure going to christian academy next year. :D
Morgan Flesher
aww.. yah i have been really busy too! its crazy! .. i have been busy with tumbling, and etc... haha. Yah i have a job.. i have a full time babysitting job i babysit for 3 family\'s so it works out pretty good for me. So howz you and your bf? hopefully good.. me and my babe are good =) haha. Yah i just hate anna.. so im excited cya lylas.. morgan
Morgan Flesher
Shopping is alwayz fun haha.. yah me and ethan are really good.. haha he\'s a sweetie. He lives 45 min away.. so i miss him a lot but its worth every second =) Yah i get my license in lets see 11 months haha.. thats a bummer :x Well i will ttyl lylas -xoxo Morgan paige xoxo-
erin enyart
hey hunny...yeah i know i got on it so that we could stay more in touch..yes yes we need to hang out sometime soon..like i dont know when but when we both have the time...lvoe yuo a whole bunch..erin
Morgan Flesher
Hey ! One of my friends finally getz the mypraize!! LOL.. So whats up?! we need to get together soon !.. haha && i betcha cant wait to get the keys in your hands for good! Lol. well ttyl lylas

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