


17 year(s) ago

I blame the education system. It really takes a complete lack of understanding of history to play along with the neocon agenda. All the people that fought and died to secure our rights.. and kids today just seem to think rights just happen. Like the government just decides what they're doing isn't right, so they're going to give you more rights. But even American history aside, ANY real understanding of comprehensive world history would also show the same things. Once people give up their rights, they never get them back.. without revolution. Just like once a tax is enacted, it's not GOING to expire once the need that caused the tax expires.


17 year(s) ago

How very strange.. I thought I hit Reply? I should've known something was funny when I stopped me, to tell me to fill in a subject. I dunno where you got this idea that conservatives are good, and liberals are bad, but it's ridiculous. Your generalizations are so wacky, it's like looking at a caricature. It IS republicans' fault because they haven't done anything about it. It is also democrats' fault because THEY havne't done anything about ti. It's your fault and mine, because we let ourselves get distracted by whatever the media and the government WANT us talking about, instead of important things like fixing our education system(and how about stopping globalization so there's a few jobs left for them when they get OUT of school?).

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