
a friend in need of Christ.


18 year(s) ago

my best friend, Andrew, has been getting into a lot of trouble lately with almost everything: violence, drugs, premarital sex! it's really sad. he's been in the crazy pin about twice, and he keeps doing things that can put himself back in there. i know for a fact that he doesn't like that place. he refuses to come to church to hear the word of God, i pray my heart out for him and i don't think it's enough. i know if anyone were in this situation, you'd want a lot of help. so if you guys/gals could also pray for him, it could work wonders! thanks.


18 year(s) ago

yeah, but until he realizes he needs help, he wont be reached. So I'll pray that he gets over hisself, long enough to see what he is doing to himself. And for you, this is tuff. Watching someone you love going through stuff, that he could be free from if he only knew. Its like watching someone get run over by a train again and again. I hope you are able to trust in God and get peace about this. God will reach out and touch your friend in the right time, if he will only seek God. Some people have to hit rock bottom before they look up. I pray this isn't the case for your friend though. God bless you sister!

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