
Academy Awards discussion


13 year(s) ago

Well, Academy Awards are tomorrow night (27th) and I'm hosting an Oscar Party at my house. Gonna be awarding prizes to the most accurate predictions, but I don't know what mine will be any more! Momentum has massively shifted such that The King's Speech is now probably the frontrunner for Best Picture, which has implications down the line for director, editing, and acting Oscars. Will Helena Bonham Carter win BSA? Do I split the two top spots (Picture and Director) picking TKS for picture but David Fincher for director? Can I win by dividing my sympathies? Don't know. Well, should be an interesting race anyway.


13 year(s) ago

Ended up correctly predicting 14 awards out of 24, including all four acting awards, best picture and all sound/visuals with the exception of costume design and cinematography. Roger Deakins losing again for cinematography is almost criminal. I loved Inception but come on. Also correctly picked The Social Network for original score and screenplay, but missed Tom Hooper for director, which was a dumb move. If I picked The King's Speech for best picture (and I did) I should have listed him as director too. Well anyway we had a good time, food was eaten, laughs were laughed. There was agreement across the board that it was better than a Superbowl party. Maybe this'll become an annual thing.


13 year(s) ago

I tried to watch but ended up getting kicked off the television <.< From what I saw though it was a good awards show. I'm a bit disappointed that Fincher didn't get the directing award, and the Social Network's few awards overall. I haven't seen the King's Speech but to be honest I don't see something like that remaining that memorable over the years whereas I think movies like Inception and the Social Network are. I really really wanted Franco to pull an upset and win best actor so I'm a little disappointed there as well. It was an incredibly long shot anyways, but 127 Hours was an excellent movie and Franco was amazing. And I still have to stop and cringe every time I think about him cutting through his nerves *shudder*


13 year(s) ago

I believe I correctly predicted 11 or 12 of the awards right. I nailed Best Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, and Picture. I split my vote on director and picture as well, which probably caused me to lose on the family pool. I do have to say that The King's speech was a better movie than The Social Network. I still think that Hailee Steinfeld should have won best supporting actress. My other correct predictions were animated short, animated feature, best song, costume design, and some others that I can't remember at the moment.


13 year(s) ago

I still think Hailee Steinfeld should have been nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role :|


13 year(s) ago

I think so too, but I figured that after they snubbed her for that she should have won for best supporting actress. I got home so I have the list of my predictions. I correctly guessed Actor, Supporting Actor, Actress, Picture, Animated film, Costume design, Cinematography, Makeup, Original Song, Animated short, and Sound editing.


13 year(s) ago

I prefer The Social Network to The King's Speech, but both made my top 10 for the year (http://theraptorpack.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/top-10-films-of-2010/). I really think the overall crop of nominees was almost uncommonly good this year. There wasn't a bad movie in the bunch, except for The Kids Are All Right which thankfully didn't win anything. Even The King's Speech was light on its feet for the genre, being a very watchable and pleasant movie especially with two great leads. Yet another snub for Scott Pilgrim vs The World - when Hathaway and Franco were talking about this being a great year for lesbians, they mentioned The Kids Are All Right and Black Swan, but not Scott Pilgrim? Lesbians is practically the most memorable quotation from the film, in the trailers even.


13 year(s) ago

I was going to watch it, but then all of my friends got drunk and I had to take care of them. Blah. I'm not too upset about missing it, but the fact that TSN lost both the Best Picture AND Best Director nominations disturb me.

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