
American Idol


18 year(s) ago

I think that is a stupid show! boring...I've tried watching it a few times!!! BORING!!! BORING!!! can you say BORING!! lol. I wonder if some of those people who actually try out think they are gonna make it!!! I MEAN alot of them STINK!!


18 year(s) ago

Well, the show is a lot better and fun to watch than some of the auditions and "Hollywood week." I've been into choral singing for years now, and would watch the show to listen and compare how good the people's singing talents are. I think to really enjoy the show, you've gotta enjoy singing!


18 year(s) ago

i don't like it. listening to ppl who don't sing very well makes me squirm. so this means i squirm whenever i start singing. XD i don't even watch the show for Simon. so sry, Simon.


18 year(s) ago

i dont know how sunjayas staying on. i think he has all the people in india voting for him. thats like what? a lot of million people?!?!?!?!


17 year(s) ago

[b]rami009 wrote:[/b] [quote]i dont know how sunjayas staying on. i think he has all the people in india voting for him. thats like what? a lot of million people?!?!?!?![/quote] There's some website on the internet that allows people to vote for who they think is the worst American Idol, and somehow that gets mixed in with the other votes and messes up the totals for the show. That's how Sanjaya is still on, 'cause everyone keeps voting for him as the worst American Idol on that website.


17 year(s) ago

Hey, for all you who hate Sanjaya, go to this website and sign the petition to get him kicked off of the show! http://votesanjayaoff.com/


17 year(s) ago

Jadeykins, I agree with everything you said, except I want Blake to win, not Melinda. Melinda is a good singer and all, but my dad's friend knows Blake really well, so I'm behind Blake 100%! lol Even if my dad didn't know someone who is friends with Blake, I would still vote for him, 'cause I think he's original and a great singer/perfomer! GO BLAKE!!! Btw, yeah even I who created the anti-Sanjaya group here, will say that Sanjaya doesn't sound so bad on slow songs, especially the hispanic song he did last show! The only thing I would tell him to fix for his next performance is to sing out more, 'cause I agree with Simon that I couldn't understand the words the entire time! However, what is most popular in America doesn't happen to be slow songs in general, so I hope Sanjaya doesn't win. I think he would be great for a job like Jadeykins described though!


17 year(s) ago

Do you really understand that the show you're watching is supporting Idolatry?


17 year(s) ago

[b]whitelily wrote:[/b] [quote]Do you really understand that the show you're watching is supporting Idolatry?[/quote] Prove that please. Idolatry is putting another god before God, and we are by no means doing this by watching American Idol. All we're doing is voting for our favorite singer, it's not like we're worshipping them or something! Btw, LOSTfan, you must be on a different timezone than Washington state, 'cause the show isn't on here yet....


17 year(s) ago

popcantoo "I really don't watch it... But from what I have seen, they're all really mean." I have to agree with u on this they are pretty mean sometimes and the seattle auditions were a a joke true fans are the people that watch it to see who wins not the people who laugh at other peoples voices or looks also [size=5]GO BLAKE!!!!![/size][size=3][/size] and im so glad sanjaya got kicked off he was a little different........ if u know what i mean. oh another subject melinda doolittle is awesome she may not look the best but she has a good good voice and blakes performance of "you give love a bad name" was AWESOME

Post edited by: Blondesingerdude12, at: 2007/05/06 13:01

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