
aunt fran


16 year(s) ago

hey guys. a while back in june, my great aunt was diagnosed with lung cancer. she was in a certain stage of the cancer that most people died after two months when they reached that particular stage. she had some chemo and responsded really well (because she's still alive now) but a few weeks ago we found out that the cancer spread to her spine, and now it can spread throughout her whole body. its really hard for her to move, and shes at home in a hospital bed all day. we've brought her to church a few times, but she hasnt't accepted Christ as her savior. she has no relationship with Him. I need people to pray that before she does die, she'll accept Jesus into her life. I love my aunt so much and i cant stand the thought of her going to hell


16 year(s) ago

I will most definitely be praying! I know how you feel that's really hard. Last year a friend of mine committed suicide and he didn't know God. I'll be praying for her and I trust that if it is in her heart to accept Him as her Savior, God will not let her die before she does such! God bless you and your family! Just have faith, God knows what He's doing although that's really hard to believe at times.

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