


16 year(s) ago

The new movie Coraline is about a girl who wishes to leave her world, and does. The "other world" she visits seems to be better than her own and her parents are commited only to her.But, Coraline discovers her other mother has created the other world just to capture Coraline. Its obvious to anyone who has read the book, that much has been changed. Coraline acctually has a friend, in both the real world, and the other world. The movie seems to have everything the book has, and more, but will the movie live up to the popularity of the book?


16 year(s) ago

i cant stand tim burton movies:dry:


16 year(s) ago

[b]rami009 wrote:[/b] [quote]i cant stand tim burton movies:dry:[/quote] It's actually not a Tim Burton movie. Anyway, I don't think I'll be seeing Coraline. If anything, I'll probably just read the book after I read some of Neil's other books.


16 year(s) ago

was it a good movie

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