
Exodus 24:7


15 year(s) ago

[color=#0000FF]And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the hearing of the people; and they said: 'All that the LORD hath spoken "[i]na'aseh v'nish'ma[/i]" [/color]([i]we will do and we will hear[/i]) Consult other translations. Notice how they translate this verse, especially the italicized portion. The word [i]v'nish'ma[/i] meaning, [i]and we will hear[/i], contains the word sh'ma, meaning hear, as in [i]sh'ma yisrael adonai eloheinu adonai echad[/i] (Deut 6:4). We will do, then we will hear. We will follow God's commands, then we will hear. Or, we will obey, then understand. Obedience to God comes first, even if we don't understand the reasons for His rules, we must still obey. If we waited for understanding of His commandments before obeying them, how many of His commandments would we follow? "Don't wear a mixture of wool and linen." Why not? Not said. "Don't plant different kinds of seeds together." Why not? No reason. The pig, the vulture, the rabbit, the owl, shellfish, these are all unclean for you. Do not eat them. Why not? We're not told. I'm sure there are other examples you can think of of rules given without a reason behind them. It's as if God is a parent saying "obey Me because I said so. You're under My authority, you will do as I say." And like children, we say, "why?" I think it takes great faith to be able to say, "we will do and we will hear." We will obey because of who God is and who we are. And even if we don't understand, we still follow Him. Perhaps understanding may come in time. Perhaps there are some things we will never understand. Some mysteries will not be solved. That's not a reason to not follow Him. "You are not called to complete the task; neither are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon.


15 year(s) ago

Good stuff.. I'm seeing why this is the one without responses though. :) I see it simlilarly. We're like little kids, being chastised by our Father, and we're too spiritually immature to realize that Daddy wants what's best for us. So we make up all kinds of excuses.. he's just being mean... he likes to yell.. He puts rules on us, just to have rules.. And in the spiritual, it's no different.. These rules aren't for us, Father has a double standard, so that we don't have to live up to his expectations for these other people.. they're expired, they were for another people in another time.. All of which ignore the very plain truth that what He asks of us would be in our best interest, even if He didn't exist.


15 year(s) ago

Thanks for your support, MattBob. :) I have come to understand that no replies does not necessarily mean there is disagreement. There may be other reasons... nothing to add, no argument, can't think of anything, etc. I have encountered the attitude you mentioned: "These rules aren't for us, Father has a double standard, so that we don't have to live up to his expectations for these other people.. they're expired, they were for another people in another time.." I think it's unfortunate, and I guess I don't really understand it. I would say that the rules He gave us are for our benefit. :)

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