
friends hate ur bf/gf but u love them alot!!


18 year(s) ago

[color=#FF0000][/color]well i have a bf and hes really nice and all but im not sure if im ready for a bf all of my friends hate him! it gets on my nerves because thir always telling me 2 break up with him i need help!!! Post edited by: livelaughlove2, at: 2007/02/26 21:08

Post edited by: livelaughlove2, at: 2007/02/26 21:09


18 year(s) ago

same with me!!!! all my friends hate him cauz they think he is a cry baby


18 year(s) ago

some of my friends dont really like my girl friend... but i dont care at all. they just dont understand her, lol. autism(spelling?) runs in her family and i think she got a hint of it, so she doesnt really know how to socialize very well. i would say, if the guy is really a good guy, stick with him. but i would also take what your friends say into consideration, cuz its easy to be blind to the person you like.


18 year(s) ago

Hear your friends out, if ya think their wrong about this dude tell'em that if they care about your feelings BUT OUT!!


17 year(s) ago

okay. i had a bf and all my friends disliked him. when we broke up they told me that we were a great couple. ur friends may be right or wrong. take in consideration what they say and pay attention to how ur bf treats others. ( the fact that my friends didnt like the guy is NOT why we broke up. we just decided to be friends);)

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