
Global Warming...retitled...again


15 year(s) ago

First it was Global Warming...then it was "Climate Change." Now, they're trying to come up with new phrase to sell "global warming" and remove themselves from the hypocritical political image that is attached with global warming/climate change. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/02/us/politics/02enviro.html?_r=3


15 year(s) ago

More cows than methane producers?


15 year(s) ago

Livestock related emissions are necessary. Where do you think the worlds food comes from (other then plants)? We cannot stop that. Nor can we ever stop emissions from volcanoes in the ocean and all that.


15 year(s) ago

Basically, man-made Global Warming/Climate Change is just a political tool for more control over our lives.

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