
God\'s Learning Channel!


18 year(s) ago

Hey anyone get it? With Al and Tommy Cooper. I'M JUST STILL SO EXCITED!!! A group of kids and teenagers from my church went down there to Odessa texas because they invited us to be on television!! On March 18 for the Light of the Southwest show! I SUCKED!! but oh well...IT WAS AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE!!!!!! GOD IS SO AWESOME!! We are all so worn out from taveling and not getting much sleep! It was a 10 hour drive with 11 teenagers, 3 adults in a red bus through Co., NM, and Tx in the HOT weather with no air conditioning!!! It took weeks of practice...but most of us(mainly me) still ended messing up! I was so nervous I was shaking so bad but I tried to hide it! aaah! :laugh: It was so mind boggling!B) The television station aired internationally!!! ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WATCHING!! it was soo nerve wrecking! But I kept telling myself "Remember it for Jesus" over and over! wow!B)

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)