


13 year(s) ago

where do you go when you work so hard and you kn ow you are right and he prize is inches in front of you, but you can never have your prize. What do you do when you have given almost everything away with nothing left but vulnerability and sadness and a broken heart. How do you move on when you so desperately wish you didnt have to. How do you act, talk, what do you do? What happens after goodbye? Do i stay away from people and drag on through life, or do I fake a smile and say im alright and carry on? what do I do when i lose everything? [img size=414]http://www.mypraize.com/images/fbfiles/images/julianbeever13.jpg[/img]


13 year(s) ago

I know it might feel like you've lost everything, but you haven't. Everybody has to say goodbye at one point or another and in one way or another. It's part of life. How do you deal with it? That depends on the person. You might cry, you might pray, you might find a person you trust and talk to them about it. And mostly you just keep on putting one foot in front of another and carrying on with your life. Believe it or not it really does get easier with time. And, if this is a breakup type situation (hard to tell from your post) DO NOT STALK HER. Seriously. It's not cute and it's not loving and it probably will not help you get her back.


13 year(s) ago

yea i wont she moved


13 year(s) ago

When I put his name he dont kno who it is wat do I do??? :huh: :dry: :huh: :dry: :huh: :dry:


13 year(s) ago

Ok dear, something to remember about the forums: We like complete sentences. We can't help you until we understand what you're saying.


13 year(s) ago

Just remember how much Jesus loves you. And ask: what would the Lord do?


13 year(s) ago

Withdrawal from people is one of the worst things you can do in any bad situation. When you withdraw, whatever always seems to be worse than what ir actually is in life. You're dwelling on it so much that you become obsessed with whatever has happened. when you're by yourself. I withdrew because everyone saw me as "a tower of strength". They hadn't a clue about what i was going through after my hubby died. I was "bleeding and dying" inside, so to speak.


13 year(s) ago

hey dont worry i know exactly what your going through ive faked smiles, told people good bye that i didnt wnt to have to say it to but if you can talk to someone you trust like a parent, counsler, jesus, a friend, ect. i hope that helps im so sorry your going through this;) i hope it helps


7 year(s) ago

Well withdrawing temporarily to focus on better things isn't so bad but if it's just to be away from people and you don't have anything to take your mind off of bad situations it tears a person apart. When this guy ended things with me at the beginning of the year it felt awful and I stopped talking to a lot of people I talked to my immediate family but that's all. And then I started reading and that helped me so much. Reading is my happy place you just have to find yours. Hope this helps. And if you ever need someone to talk to just message me.

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