
I am now a fan of Twilight.


15 year(s) ago

Or rather, to be more accurate, with it's author. I mean, how do you not love Robert Frost? He's so amazing! And he wrote a poem about Sir James the Good! How awesome is that? Anyways, here's [i]Twilight[/i]. [i]Why am I first in thy so sad regard, O twilight gazing from I know not where? I fear myself as one more than I guessed! Am I instead of one so very fair?-- That thou art sorrowful and I oppressed? High in the isolating air, Over the inattentive moon, Two birds sail on great wings, And vanish soon. (And the leave the north sky bare!) The far-felt solitudes that harbor night, Wake to the singing of the wood-bird's fright. By invocation, O wide silentness, Thy spirit and my spirit pass in air! They are unmemoried consciousness, Nor great nor less! And thou art here and I am everywhere![/i] The poem about Sir James (Who's my ancestor btw) is [i]In Equal Sacrifice.[/i] It's a little long for me to post, though.

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