haven't been on this in a while...but I have some questions and would like some answers.
I've been saved since I was 8 yrs old...pretty young, right? well, I don't read the Bible. I've gone through "phases"-if you would call them such a thing-when I would read a few chapters...but that happens only once in a great while.
I know what the problem is, I was never disciplined in my faith and I've grown away from it now. I used to think "I'll do that when I'm older" but I'm getting older and I'm not growing in my faith at all. Plus, I've been convincing myself that my testimony will only be more interesting if I do more things that aren't exactly the "right" things to do. Dumb, eh?
I'm having a lot of trouble with my life right now; this past year has been the most challenging for me and I know I've drifted further from God. I've done, and am still doing, incredibly stupid things.
The thing is, I want to go back to how I used to be. But I'm afraid I'll only go back because I don't want to disappoint my parents...I don't know where to go from here. I feel like I'm using God if I go back to Him just because I'm going through some challenges that I can't handle. I don't want to drift away as soon as everything goes back to "normal"...
I don't want a lecture about how I should have dove right into the Bible as soon as I was saved. I already know I should have, but I didn't. I regret all that now. I feel empty, and I don't know where to start to get myself back on track. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.