
Jephthah\'s promise


17 year(s) ago

Ok, who knows the story of Jephthah? Son of a prostitute, driven away by his half-brothers, joined a group of buddies that your parents would probably not approve of, gets asked to be Israel's army commander, demands to be judge, makes a promise to God to sacrifice as a burnt offering whatever came out of his door first if God gave him the victory, ...etc., etc.....his only child (daughter) comes dancing out of the doorway to meet her daddy, etc. Do you think Jephthah actually offered her as a burnt offering? The pastor of a church I was visiting brought up this question and it made me curious. (if you wanna look this story up, it's in Judges 11 and also a short mention in Hebrews 11: 32)


17 year(s) ago

hold up...what about that place that says NO HUMAN SACRIFICE??? hold on, i'll try to remember where it's found....I'm almost sure it's in Leviticus somewhere, but I can't remember where...Got it! [size=4][color=#FF0000][b]Leviticus 18:21[/b][/color][/size] While looking for this verse, I came across some some pretty odd sites, like "Evil Bible" .... made me wonder how many times people take things out of context .... makes me so mad! (I don't think that this verse is out of context, because the two verses before and after it were about sex...more like the whole chapter was about it....but anyway, it didn't appear to have something that would prepare us for it...the Bible's pretty random!) -Rider


17 year(s) ago

Lev 18:21 You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the LORD. I believe Molech is a false god of some sorts.


17 year(s) ago

Yep they sacrificed their kids to the idol...read the story of Hezekiah. The Message translation phrases it this way: Don't give any of your children to be burned in sacrifice to the God Molech- and act of sheer blasphemy of your God. I think I see what you were sayin...that God doesn't want us to sacrifice to others gods???

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