
Lev 19:16


15 year(s) ago

" [color=#0000FF]Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor's life. I am the LORD.[/color] " NIV The Hebrew says do not stand on your neighbor's blood. The NIV interprets this to mean don't endanger your neighbor's life. What do your translations say? Absolutely we ought not to endanger other people. Seems pretty common sense. I think also we ought not to profit from the suffering of another nor stand idly by. Anybody see the movie "Inside Man"? Highly recommended. There's a scene where Christopher Plummer says, "when there's blood on the streets, buy property." [SPOILER ALERT] Plummer's character amassed a large fortune doing business with the Nazis. [/SPOILER ALERT] This is in direct contravention of this commandment. If we are to be an am kadosh (holy people) one of the ways we pursue this goal is by not standing on our neighbor's blood. Yes, we are commanded to help those suffering. If we can't help as much as we would like or think we should, let us at least not profit by their suffering.

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