
Monsters vs. Aliens Review


16 year(s) ago

On Tuesday afternoon I went out to see Monsters vs. Aliens with my brother, sister and my aunt. The movie here just kind of reminds us that there is a difference between monsters and aliens. Throughout this whole time I always thought that there was no difference and always thought of them being both the same thing. But now that I started to see this movie, it made me monsters in a whole new way, and I am dead serious about that. Alright, maybe a little. It all starts off with a planet being destroyed and leaving a chunk of meteor from their own planet, making it hit, where else, and you guess it: earth. Where on earth? Somewhere in Northern California. I forgot the location. So that one huge meteor rock randomly hit....somewhere in Northern California, on a woman name Susan, who was getting married and all of a sudden grew huge and out of nowhere came the military and brought weapons and equipment, somehow knowing that she was going to be huge. So she was brought to an unknown location, which could obviously be Area 51, but they won't say, because its top secret. So she joins with a blob name B.O.B., a giant insect name Insectosoarus, the missing link, which probably is the only reason why Dante would want to see this movie, and a human like cocaroach, who I really can't remember the name to. These characters are quite funny, but the one who steals the show is B.O.B. the blob. But nothings very well in deep space when an alien invasion on earth starts to attack to do what? If you didn't guess "take over the world" without a sweat, then what were you thinking? Where did this alien invasion come from? From the same planet that was destroyed in the intro to this movie. But where from space? How should I know since it did not explain. But there is only one alien who is doing all of the dirty work to rule the earth, and the monsters themselves have to go on a full on fight against him. So yeah, the whole movie is basically about Monsters fighting off aliens on their own planet in such a funny and comical fashion, which does work. Yeah, there are some stuff that was not explainable, or stuff that made any sense, but there's nothing wrong with any of it. I made a refusal to watch it in 3-D since I hate watching my movies in 3-D. The comedy wasn't as great as Shrek, but it won't rub away the comedy on this one. And I hope that this won't become on of those movies that will be a memory on the back of our heads. Whats the verdict? 4/5 green Jell-o puddings

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