
Obama-rama: Rev.Wrong


16 year(s) ago

You want to see the context that Rev.Wrong was using, click this link and watch for yourself. http://www.eyeblast.tv/Public/Video.aspx?rsrcID=2036 Liberalism and Christianity don't go together, it's an oxi-moron. This "Reverend" guy is out preaching his gospel and not the true gospel. Not to mention Obama scares the living crap out of me. I don't care how many times you say your not like your "pastor". 20 years next to the guy you'll pick up on his belief system one way or another, as is reflected by his wife. The bottom line is Obama is going to give us the kind of change, that will cripple this country for good. And by all means it's not about race, as it always gets played that way. I wouldn't mind a black president, just not this guy. And the more I look into it the more I am finding that the race problem in America today isn't whites against blacks, no it's now turned into the black against whites. By hearing the verbal diarrhea coming out of Rev. Wrong's mouth, it further proves to me the race card is continuing to get played so the issue can stay hot in hopes to one day rebel against "the white devils that oppress the people". Give me a break. I live in South Florida and this is always being brought up. A black guy shoots a white guya and resists arrests while trying to run away, automatically this statement comes out "It's because of my color"... No my friend it's because you shot someone and the law says you go to jail, same rules apply for everyone else in this country. Anyways, this is the kind of mentality unfortunately many people have now a days. Instead uniting as one people, it's individuals like this who cause division. I have many black friends and I'm not racist by any means, I just can't stand this kind of crap being preached from a pulpit or even reflected in a potential president.


16 year(s) ago

Oh, where to start? 1) Jesus WAS a liberal, at least by the standards of Jewish orthodoxy. And, in fact, the most conservative Christians are still liberal by Jewish standards. 2) I don't see Obama playing the race card. Have you HEARRD his race speech? I think Clinton plays the gender card much worse, personally. 3) Yes, there really IS racism still alive in America today. Look at the fact that 1/3 young black males is in some form of corrections (Probation, prison, or parole). You almost HAVE to choose... Are we still experiencing leftover effects and attitudes from a racist time, or instead will you simply say that blacks are more prone to violence and committing crimes? Personally, I see double standards in the system. Like up until just a couple of months ago, cocaine and crack were treated as different drugs, and crack got twice the sentence. So white people, who tend to favor cocaine, had time to do their bid, get out, and get rearrested, while the same black guy (blacks are more likely to favor rock over powder), is still in jail for his original offense. Or when I get pulled over it's "license and registration" and I sit in the car, likely with a big spotlight shined into my rearview, so he can see what I'm doing the whole time, while he runs my name through the system. So why do I see 2 young black men get pulled over, (for running a stoplight- I saw them run it) and they have to be put in handcuffs, and sat on the curb, while the cop runs THEIR names? Just because you're not racist doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. We shouldn't reverse the historical discimination, the way things like "hate crime laws" do, but neither do we need to pretend it's some distant time in our past, when it's not. That's NOT going to make it go away, and Obama seems to understand that.


16 year(s) ago

I see where your coming from. You say that Jesus was a liberal, lets look at a few liberal beliefs shall we: 1) Abortion...I don't think He would be down with that. After all if you did the deed you gotta take care of that seed. 2) Stem Cell Research...Hey let's make some humans from scratch and use them for parts, uh yea don't think He would be cool with that. 3) Gay Marriages...uh, it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Don't get me wrong Jesus died on the cross for gay people too but then again God loves the sinner and not the sin. 4) The acceptance of Darwinism...you should already know that one. Many jewish people in America today have embraced these princples and have drawn a line between holidays and politics. Nothing against jewish people, but I incorporate my faith full circle not just on special occasions. Moving on... The race card HASSS been played by Mr.Obama several times especially when his "pastor" was put in the hot seat. as you'll see in this video- http://www.eyeblast.tv/Public/Video.aspx?rsrcID=2036 And I completely agree that racism still does exist in today's america, only thing is it's been put in reverse. In regards to your statement. "Look at the fact that 1/3 young black males is in some form of corrections (Probation, prison, or parole). You almost HAVE to choose... Are we still experiencing leftover effects and attitudes from a racist time, or instead will you simply say that blacks are more prone to violence and committing crimes?" The Civil Rights Movement is over, blacks are accepted in everyway that whites are in today's America. Therefore I say... NOBODY TOLD YOU TO ROB THAT STORE. NOBODY TOLD YOU TO RAPE THAT WOMAN. NOBODY TOLD YOU TO SHOOT THAT GUY BECAUSE HE LOOKED AT YOU WRONG...get my point. And I don't know about you but if I get pulled over and my car smells like I was having a tribute to Bob Marley, my eyes are red, and I'm talking funny. My chances of being sat down on a curb in hand-cuffs are just as good as any other red blooded american. "So why do I see 2 young black men get pulled over, (for running a stoplight- I saw them run it) and they have to be put in handcuffs, and sat on the curb, while the cop runs THEIR names?" You don't know what they found or saw in that vehicle. Again I'm not racist and sure there are individuals that are. But times have changed, and there are now laws that protect the victems in these cases. But when you really did something you shouldn't have and blame it on racism, you got problems.


16 year(s) ago

It sounds like you could really stand to define yourself a little more when speaking about "liberalism"- Liberal compared to WHAT? The most conservative Christians are liberal by Jewish standards. Our entire system was once considered liberal by world standards, but now I'd say we're closer to the right wing, as compared to Europe. Speaking of, hitler's national socialist party were most DEFINITELY right wing conservatives. These labels are just a shortcut to thinking. Putting such a vast range of opinions into a tidy little box, in order to make snap judgements and generalizations about them is not the way to get things done, or move forward. I tend to agree on the specific issues you mention, although I'm not sure what His stance would be on gay marriage. I mean, is it REALLY our business to stop other people from living as THEY believe, if they're not hurting anyone? By what measure we judge a man, so will it be judged against us. When Christianity was a minority, I'm sure we didn't want or seek to be ostracized, and denied the same rights that Roman citizens had. We are supposed to remember the oppressed, the underdog, those who don't feel G-d loves them, for whatEVER reason, not chase them AWAY from G-d. So denying them things like the right to see one another in the hospital if there's an accident, and the right to make one the benificiary of the other's will... I really don't see how that furthers anyone else's rights. I really take offense at your characterization of American Jews. Your statements, quite frankly, display an ignorance of Jewish history. For one thing, do you REALLY think there are fewer "Easter and Christmas" Christians than Jews? Come on, now... There are solid reasons why so many Jews vote democrat, and believe it or not, it has little to do with the issues you mentioned. Did you know.. That even though we NOW think of Republicans as the ones "with a backbone" that are ready to fight when needed, in WW2, it was just the opposite? Reps were the peaceniks, saying it was a European war, and we didn't need to get involved. You HAVE to be able to see the psychological impact that has. Jews are being hauled off to death camps, across Asia and Europe, they're being turned AWAY when they come to America seeking exile, and the Republican party was not interested in doing anything about it. Heck, even when we DID get dragged into it, kicking and screaming, we still didn't divert a single plane to destroy a single gas chamber. Did you know, historically, that the Republican party has been home not just those that want to segregate blacks, but also to anti-semitic groups, whether overtly, like the KKK, or unconsciously like the "replacement theology" Christians (you know, "Christianity is the New Israel") ? Did you know that while Israel was fighting for independence, despite We The People's supoprt of them, neither major party would take a strong stance to support the infant nation? Even in the late 40's and early 50s, oil was just too big a necessity for anyone to want to piss off the Muslims... until the democrats realized how many Jews were supporting them because of WW2, then THEY decided to back Israel. And that's how it always has been, until recently, when more liberals began being more sympathetic to the Muslim/Palestinian cause. Republicans DID eventually learn to give lip service to Israel, but as we've seen in cases like the USS Liberty, that's often just a political ploy. And in fact, they're still making backdoor deals with these Muslim nations. This is easily explained when we see the close ties Republicans and Republican backers have (historically and even up to the present day) TO the oil industry. Jews are not historically democrat just because they're all liberals, and CERTAINLY not because they only live their faith out on holidays. One more thought to consider- The more conservative an American Jew is, the more likely they are to eventually emigrate to Israel. The more liberal they are, the more likely they are to not see that as a priority, and to stay put. I'll watch the video (or try), and comment more.

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