
Prayer language


18 year(s) ago

I heard someone talking about this and I looked it up. From what I read prayer language isn't biblical, but I really don't know hardly anyhting about it. Do you think it is?


18 year(s) ago

prayer language is speaking in tongues. Yes it s biblical. the Corinthians were doing it, but it is more of an intimate thing to do. I don't think it's right to pray in the spirit on tv or in a church or in any public place. just when you're by yourself and it's just you and he Lord.


18 year(s) ago

What's the purpose?


18 year(s) ago

[b]pastorjames77 wrote:[/b] [quote]What's the purpose?[/quote] the purpose is... I don't know!! God hasn't gifted me with that kind of revelation or that kind of gift yet! those are just my personal beliefs for praying in the spirit. that's like asking, does God hear prayers in every language? well, yes obviously (because he's God)but make sure you are not praying in the spirit in vain ( like on tv or for emotional purpose at church).


18 year(s) ago

Read I Cor. 12/Romans 12 What would be the modern day purpose of speaking in tongues AND are the qualifications being met.


18 year(s) ago

[b]pastorjames77 wrote:[/b] [quote]Read I Cor. 12/Romans 12 What would be the modern day purpose of speaking in tongues AND are the qualifications being met.[/quote] I honestly don't know. I'm just a baby in christ. God has not shown me anything according to this or any wisdom. I could make a huge arguement, but I believe that speaking in tongues is a beautiful gift from the Lord. You don't have to think so. If I were to use this gift in vain (without love) then yes, it is pointless. Is there any scripture that says that it is wrong? I know that the Corinthians were slapped on the wrists for it, but I don't know why. but read 1cor13:1, it says as long as it is God inspired and not in the flesh, then it is a wonderful gift from God.


18 year(s) ago

No prayer language is not the same as speaking in tongues...prayer language is a language that only God and the angels canunderstand...and "real" christians will always be able to do this....I believe in speaking in tongues but not prayer language. [url]http://www.homestead.com/dclwolf/logic02.html[/url] this does a really good job of explaining it.

Post edited by: Emmy89, at: 2006/09/27 17:07

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