


18 year(s) ago

hi i need help you i have had my psp for about 4 months now and a couple days ago the weirdest thing happened i was with my friend and we were constantly pulling our psp's in and out and playing them i dont know how this happened but i turned it off left it in my pocket and when we got to his house i turned it back on and then it was weird when i turned it on it was a blue screen and it just showed a bunch of serial numbers and it had different languages saying something but it didnt have english so i didnt know what it said but i noticed it had the circle button icon in all the languages i figured it probably said to press circle or something so i pressed it and it seemed like it rebooted and now all my system settings are restored to default and i have to fix everything and install everything back on it! i dont know what happened and im worried its broken can someone help me? plz!!!

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)