
Question for y\'all


18 year(s) ago

actually question is to pre tribbers lol, the q is - if you are wrong about your theology, and Christ does return in our lifetime, what are your plans for teh tribulation days? how do you plan to survive? How will you get food when you wont be able to buy anythign unless you take the mark etc etc?


18 year(s) ago

[b]Phil777 wrote:[/b] [quote] what are your plans for teh tribulation days? [/quote] to do whatever I can to preach God's word and win as many as I can to Christ [quote] how do you plan to survive?[/quote] survival isn't the important part. the important thing will be teh witnessing to people. I would be willing and ready to be killed by the anti-Christian leadership of the world for witnessing and following God. if God wills it, I would survive. if not, I will do all I can to serve him [quote] How will you get food when you wont be able to buy anythign unless you take the mark etc etc?[/quote] I would pray for God's help. in some cases, i might have to get some scrap food. i definitely wouldn't be taking the mark.

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