


19 year(s) ago

Ok, so there's this girl I met online on a site much like this one. We've only met in person once, but we chat online most nights. Right now we're just "friends." And I have to say that she's already my best friend. (I don't have many, hehe) We seem to get along really great as friends. The problem is that I also have a really big crush on her.. too big. When we chat like this, it takes all my self control not to blurt it out and confess it. But I don't want to scare her away. What complicates matters further is that she doesn't really have time to hang out in person, and when she does, there's always something that gets in the way. I'm not too blind to admit that she might be avoiding me, but really I think she's just apprehensive and not deliberately avoiding me personally. I honestly don't know what to do. Even if she likes me like I like her, I don't know if she's ready for a relationship. I really want to break the ice between friendship and relationship, but I've got two problems: I don't know how and I don't know if I should. Any Comments, suggestions, etc are welcome


19 year(s) ago

its a tough situation because there are many problems in this..... long distance/on-line relationships are hard.... i know.... because ive been through one (my only bf/gf relationship mind you lol).... its hard.... then again, my situation might have been harder than average because my ex cut herself and such but back to the situation.... i think that you should tell her because its never good in a friendship/relationship to not keep secrets from each other.... it can hurt your relationship by them not knowing what you have to say.... heres the thing.... if you tell her and she likes you, that's good but be careful of the whole on-line relationship.... if she doesnt like you, hopefully you can still be really good friends and maybe she'll like you later on.... if she doesnt want to be your friend anymore, then it probably wasnt worth it in the first place.... if a girl doesnt want to be your friend because you like her.... she really wasnt too much of a friend in the first place... hope that helped a little bit


18 year(s) ago

[color=#008000][/color][size=4][/size] ok it goes like this I'm a girl so if you like some girl and you really want to break the ice just say "I really like you and I hope you feel the same way, if you don't I hope we can stay friends." If she feels the same she'll probably say something in return, if she doesn't and is a true friend then she'll be fine with it. I know from experience I'm going out with a guy that lives 3 hours away, may not seem like a lot but when you like eachother as much as we do, it makes it harder. Right now I'm in rehab so I've been getting a lot of help from him, high calorie foods, and many other things to help. You should go for it!

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