
rami, I'm sorry!


18 year(s) ago

This is a public apology to rami009 for what has no doubt seemed to be a series of antagonistic posts towards him and more specifically his favorite band Green Day. I realize that not everyone here appreciates my style of humor or conversation, and even fewer perhaps support all my opinions, but that's okay. Rami, I just want to say that I don't mean to be a jerk and I have nothing against you. I stand by what I have said in my threads but I don't think we have to let our differing opinions divide us. I looked at rami's profile and I have discovered that he like KITTIES. I believe this is something we can all rally around, as it cannot be denied that kitties are cute and fluffy and that you should definitely pet one if you get the chance. Kitties being as awesome as they are, I see that you can't really be such a bad guy, and I call for us to unite under the banner of kitties. This has reminded me that we are all human and that we all have something in common. In this case we have kitties in common and what could be better than that?


18 year(s) ago

thank you, and kitties are the awesomest!!!!! but no, keep coming with the arguments. its what i live for (besides baseball). and i have a whle group of friends that think im awesome but they hate how i like green day. and they cant stand me wearing the band shirts when im around them, but they deal with it and go on


18 year(s) ago

and dont listen to what he said about petting a kitty if youre alergic to them....

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