
Repent From Your Lust for Violence


17 year(s) ago

[quote] Now you are already backtracking. You were clearly trying to state premises as if they were universals, in order to assert some reductio ad absurdum in order to prove your point, that there must be just uses for violence, valid. Not only did your original argument fail to make the non-interventionist policies I support appear to be absurd, it failed to address scripture. It was a merely a muddled combination of faint biblical and philosophical notions, reflecting your lack of education in either area. Worse yet, it did absolutely nothing to support your position. It betrayed your lack of sophistication. This does not make you a bad person, and I wanted to avoid holding it over to you, warning you to avoid philosophy. First, philosophy will get no one anywhere and second, I have the years and education in which to defeat you in any philosophical argument, even if you were right and I were wrong. I do not seek to "score points," as some here might as one post already had a pseudo score board. I do not wish to flaunt anything about myself. Let us avoid a discussion of philosophy or our personal backgrounds. Lets turn to scripture, let's focus on the will of God. [/quote] ...lol... I think you're right. 'Cause I have no clue what you're talking about here. 'least in the first two paragraphs. but anyway... [quote]Sure, by all means! You may have freedom marches, boycotts, fill prisons up to capacity, or even berate evil doers hoping to stop the evil. I think no problem with that can be found.[/quote] See... this is what I find confusing... [quote]I am calling you to love your enemy and not physically resist evil[/quote] like if someone goes to punch you, is it wrong to block? [quote]Christ's blood, as far as I can understand, was an atoning sacrifice. Our faith is our service. But how can we be faithful without actively trying to repent from our sins? Nothing can make us righteous, but we endanger our faith by willfully continuing sin.[/quote] Agreed. [quote]This is all too clear in Revelations 13:10 where we are told that anyone who slays with the sword will and must be slain by the sword in effect for the transgression of using a sword to kill. [/quote] No, it says those who live by the sword will die by the sword. It doesn't tell us to kill them, it just says they will be killed.


17 year(s) ago

haha wow! most of you guys are right on! I don't agree with Raio. And i WILL explain why when i have an hour to write down all of my thoughts. I just am gonna say that Jesus, in the New Testament, had taught upon Hell more than Heaven. He did this to warn them of the pain they will endure if they do not repent. After a sermon I'd rather feel guilty and convicted from my sins and have the urge to repent and flee from the wrath to come rather then all happy and buttery inside and go home with nothing to worry about and think i'm doing ok with no need to repent....well i best be gettin' myself to class i'll try and completely finish my thoughts later with text from The Word

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