
Ron Paul Wins CPAC by 30% of vote


14 year(s) ago



14 year(s) ago

As he did last election cycle. At least it gets more heads turned his way.


14 year(s) ago

He's gain more respect since the last election when he was running as president. I always admired his way of liberty to all Americans, and if he does become the one politician to face against Obama on the end, I will vote for Ron Paul.


14 year(s) ago

[b]javie wrote:[/b] [quote]and if he does become the one politician to face against Obama on the end[/quote] He won't, because there are NEVER only two candidates in a presidential election... Refusal to care enough to look into all candidates for the presidency is one of those things that really tick me off...


14 year(s) ago

Right now, Ron Paul has not decided yet if he wants to run again. A lot of his fans want him to, but that is really up to him. Edit: I just read the Washington Post right now, and they had the guts to call him a loser, even though he won the political straw poll. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/13/AR2011021301463.html I really don't understand why they choose Mitt Romney as the winner. He doesn't show any support for medical marijuana patients, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY6UTnS6Z-A and he doesn't know what civil liberties are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNu-8zMubZI I don't know too much about Mitt Romney, but I know enough to say that I will never support him. EVER!!! The only reason I can see for why the Washington Post choose Mitt Romney was probably because the editor didn't like Ron Paul, and thought that Romney was closest to the second best choice for America. I'm not trying to throw in a conspiracy, I'm just trying to throw in what I would call an unfair and an non-honest opinion, in making people think that Ron Paul might have said some confusing things, like defunding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. That's good! I'm tired of government spending money on meaningless wars that is getting us nowhere. I'm tired of the feds taking control on having us grow our fruits, vegetables, and plants, such as marijuana. And I'm tired of the mainstream media censoring the news, talking about sports and celebrities and rarely talk about real issues.


14 year(s) ago

Romney was a runner up in the Republican primary last election cycle, which is why most news stations think he's the most likely candidate this time around. He'd be good if he wasn't so bad. He has a tendency to change his political positions with the wind, on top of it. Honestly, I think the majority of Americans don't see medicinal marijuana as that big of an issue. I mean, yeah, tons of recreational users want it legalized, but only because they want to use it...not because they're [i]really[/i] interested in a government that adheres to its own Law. Frankly, I'm glad the media isn't covering a lot of politics (assuming they really aren't...I don't watch the news). Whenever I watch TV, I get really tired of all the politics very fast. Not to mention there's more or less no such thing as "breaking news" on TV. The internet is much faster at spreading news, and aggregate news sites gimme all the stories I need from every angle.


14 year(s) ago

My question to you is this: Do you believe that Mitt Romney should be president?


14 year(s) ago

[b]javie wrote:[/b] [quote]My question to you is this: Do you believe that Mitt Romney should be president?[/quote] Did you read my post? ;) [b]MisterNathan wrote:[/b] [quote]He'd be good if he wasn't so bad.[/quote] As to the hair thing...I dunno. I personally would say that's a tossup between Rutherford B. Hayes (if beards count) and Martin Van Buren. I'm leaning towards the latter, though.


14 year(s) ago

[b]MisterNathan wrote:[/b] [quote][b]javie wrote:[/b] [quote]My question to you is this: Do you believe that Mitt Romney should be president?[/quote] Did you read my post? ;)[/quote] By re-reading your post, I will say that it is a no.

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