
Scariest Movie Scene?


17 year(s) ago

I'd say the airplane crash in Final Destination 1. What do you think?


17 year(s) ago

Many people will say the famous shower scene from Psycho. Not because the scene itself is scary, but because the psychological effects of the suspense followed by the jump scene has caused countless people to not be able to take showers with the curtain closed for a long time.


17 year(s) ago

[b]MisterNathan wrote:[/b] [quote]Many people will say the famous shower scene from Psycho. Not because the scene itself is scary, but because the psychological effects of the suspense followed by the jump scene has caused countless people to not be able to take showers with the curtain closed for a long time.[/quote] Yeah, I was just thinking about that. It didn't scare me that much though...


17 year(s) ago

I dont watch scary movies that much, but i think the scene where aliens choke the dog in "signs". Its really kind-of eerie, because you hear the dog barking and then a whimper than nothing. And then u hear the feet of the aliens running on the porch........


17 year(s) ago

This is stupid BUT I got freaked out @ the penguin in Alien vrs. Preditor!!!! The rest of the movie didn't bother me but the suspense on that penguin did!!!!!!!:blush:


16 year(s) ago

[b]Italianstallion wrote:[/b] [quote]I dont watch scary movies that much, but i think the scene where aliens choke the dog in "signs". Its really kind-of eerie, because you hear the dog barking and then a whimper than nothing. And then u hear the feet of the aliens running on the porch........[/quote]I'm with you on that one. I also think the part when the alien is holding up the little boy who has asthma and is about to kill him is eerie.


16 year(s) ago

I saw chuckie when I was about 7 and I couldn't fall asleep for days...I still can't trust dolls anymore ;) lol Halloween is a pretty good movie too not very scary for me though

Post edited by: your_fav_blonde, at: 2008/03/26 10:36

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