
So Ron Paul getting delegates...


13 year(s) ago

I've heard it said that Ron Paul is getting a lot of delegates. Even tough he hasn't won a single state. How? The delegates are not voting the will of the people. This is not right. We The People should decide. Not some delegate who just tries to push his candidate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gWz06y827E&feature=context&context=G23b158fFAAAAAAAACAA


13 year(s) ago

Not all the states are winner take all. They are proportion out the delegates based on the percentage of the vote that the candidates get. That is how Ron Paul is getting delegates. It's not some delegate pushing his agenda. It's the will of the people who voted for Ron Paul.


12 year(s) ago

Right now today it seems that Santorum and Romney are the contenders, though Santorum seems to be headed down the creek without a paddle. ;) :P i haven't really heard anything lately about the other candidates, esp Newt. Is he STILL thinking he can beat them all? If so, then it's only big dreams without anything behind the big dreams. In other words, he's megalomania mental case! :P


12 year(s) ago

Santorum pulled out of the race either yesterday or the day before yesterday.


12 year(s) ago

i like ron paul not santarom because ron paul doesnt like killin babbys and sartorm dont either but i like ron paul better


12 year(s) ago

I've decided to vote for Virgil Goode, though I don't like him much since he didn't do anything I could see for the eastern part of his 5th District constituency in Virginia during the 80's. I lived in the 5th District from 1982-1988. He's a sight better than Romney and his 47% of the US population. Yeah, he's talking about my fixed income as well as my disabilities. He's also getting on the working and laid off middle class as well as the same lower class. What a putz. I like Obama until the gay marriage thing and abortion. I can't vote today since the polling place is 1-3 miles up and down steep, long hills. It's at the Bedford, Va Welcome Center. It's a long haul walk for me. I can't find a way to get there.

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