
Stand with the Assembly


17 year(s) ago

To the 21st century reader the account of Lazarus lying in the tomb three days and rising on the fourth is not a vindication of resurrection. Individuals have been known to recover from a near death state as much as five days after their collapse. To the first century Jewish reader there is a mystical meaning behind the three days and "resurrection" on the fourth. As everyone who has celebrated the appearance of the new moon will know, we celebrate the first glimmer of light that illuminates the moon. This sliver of light appears after three days of darkness. Every month, every 29 or 30 days we, in fact, celebrate the coming resurrection. The resurrection that, as Martha said, will come in the last day. [b]John 11:24 - "Martha is saying to Him, "I am aware that he will be rising in the resurrection in the last day."[/b]

Post edited by: barry, at: 2008/03/03 18:00

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