
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith


15 year(s) ago

I know I haven't done a review for a long time, but now I'm going to finish my review on the prequels. When this movie was coming out, we all hoped that there was going to be a light to the end of this dark and horrible tunnel. An end to the rainbow, that would lead us to a pot of gold. A resurrection from all of this torture that George Lucas put us through for the past 6 years. He finally gave us what we wanted at last. Well, kind of. But yet still satisfying enough. This is still known to so many fans as their only favorite from the prequels. I first saw the trailers for this movie, and I was amazed that they finally gave us back our Wookies! Chubaca was in it! We were waiting for him to show since episode 1. My only biggest letdown was that the Wookies weren't in it that much. I thought that Chubaca was going to be like the side hero to this whole movie. But they only gave us little. There was finally Yoda doing more stuff in this movie. Episode 1 was just a muppet of him. Episode 2, he only fought in the end. And in episode 3, he only fought in the last half of the movie. The acting between Anakin and Padme was still off-key and boring, but yet we didn't care at all, because we were still blown away of how good this movie turned out to be. The only part of this movie that almost shattered me into tears was when the Jedis were dying. The part where Anakin was going to kill the children, it was funny to me of what my dad pointed out when we watched this movie in theaters. Some mom or dad first saw that somewhere in the theater, with their children, they were like "lets go now." While one guy shouted out "Sit down, nerd!" I thought that was like lol when he first told me that. And thanks to that, all of my thoughts on that controversial scene went away. Before this movie came out, I thought that there were so much to explain to help support the original trilogy. My brother didn't think they did. My aunt didn't think they did. No one that I talked about with this topic even think they did. I knew it though. I knew that everything was explained. Except for Chubaca meeting Han Solo. They never said a word about that. My only problem with this movie that I know my brother will never like this movie along with episode 1 and 2 is the use of the CGI effects. It still covered the whole film. I honestly thought that this movie could have been done without it. There was just so much that wasn't believable to me, nor did it give me any imagination through any of it. But overall, the action in this movie was five times better than the first two, and it still today stands out and sticks along with the original trilogy. It's just as good as the originals, and I still like this one as much. 4/5. I'm not done yet. Wait pretty soon as start with my review with the extra footage that George Lucas put in the original trilogy.


15 year(s) ago

You know you should probably just make one thread for all of this. It's not you're getting so many replies that one can't hold them all :| That's not a slam - this board is ridiculously slow. I think no one comes here any more, much less anyone with any sense or who knows jack about movies. I'm going to have to disagree with you somewhat on this. While RotS is the best of the prequels by a large margin, it still does not come near the originals. Every time I see someone ranking Star Wars films and putting this above Jedi or New Hope I RAAAGGE... and know they must be in their teens or younger. Sith is okay - it has the darker tone that was needed for this story, but it has a lot of problems. Not the least of which is that the dialog and delivery is STILL cardboard and awkward when it needs to be impeccable. The only great performer left in the series at this point is Sidious, and even he gets stuck with "UNLIMITED POWAH!" The ending is much worse. Yoda says "Not if anything to say about it I HAVE." (!) That may be the most unwieldly line of dialog in the whole series. Then we get "Anakin, you're breaking my heart!" and "NOOOOOOO!!!!" GOSH this movie tried so hard to make me hate it. If I didn't love Star Wars I would hate it. But I love Star Wars and that's why I can't love this movie. The subplot with General Grievous? Completely unnecessary, and Grievous is a weak villain. Seems like he padded the runtime of a movie that was plenty long enough to begin with. Then there's the actual turning of Anakin. One minute he's defending the galaxy, then he's on his knees calling Palpatine his master? WTF HAPPENED? I mean we know there were seeds of doubt being planted, but come on. "From my point of view the Jedi are evil"... ?? Really? Anakin? Dear heaven. Lightsaber battles? Pretty cool. All that flashiness is just fine - they have the budget to make it work. And honestly at the time I really enjoyed this because it was darker than the others and I always wanted to see how Vader got those scars. Fight with Obi-Wan delivers on that. But that's about all I have to say about it. The execution of order 66 was not even that great. Why? We don't care about any of the Jedi. We don't know them. Only Yoda do we give a flip about, and only he apparently has the sensitivity to the force to realize a galaxy-wide conspiracy is out to kill him and his entire order. If Lucas thinks just cause he gives someone a laser sword I'm going to cry over their death, he needs to realize not everyone who watches his movies is six years old. Rest of it I don't even care to comment on. When this movie came out I gave it a 4/5, but I would have to probably drop it to a 3 - and that's because a) it's Star Wars and b) it's nice to look at. It does carry more interest and emotional weight, but somehow it just doesn't quite succeed in ushering us into the original saga or fixing the problems that plagued the other prequels. Some progress was made, but it's too little too late.

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