
The fate of comedy


18 year(s) ago

I'm becoming a bit concerned about the future of comedy in movies. When I look at my list of favorite comedies, I can only think of one or two that have been released since the turn of the century. Where are the up-and-coming funny men? Many of our comedy greats are aging or have already passed on - Leslie Neilson, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, Robin Williams, Chevy Chase, etc. and then of course there's the likes of Cary Grant that we may never see again. I always liked Sinbad and David Spade, but they've not been in many great movies and don't seem to be up to much these days. Sure, Jim Carrey will be around for a while, and so will Adam Sandler for people who enjoy him... but the fact that almost all my favorite comedies are aging fast is a bit worrisome. Who will there be to step up and take the baton? Surely not Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller and that whole group. We all know SNL sucks these days, so I don't have a lot of hope that our comedy actors will be coming from there. Yet if not, where? The entire genre needs some new life, and not just the reality TV trappings of Mr. Borat. t seems most comedies now are erring on one of two sides. The only genuine laughs I remember of late have come from the Disney/Dreamworks ensemble. Toy Story 2 was funny, and Shrek, but many of these skew towards "cute" rather than "hilarious." And cute is a poor substitute for hilarious. Then there's the other side... instead of mistaking cuteness for humor they mistake vulgarity and grossness for humor. The Jackasses and Clerks of the world hold no interest for me. If I'm missing someone, some shining star of promise who may rise to heights of histeria in the next few years, please let me know. Until then, I'll keep going back to Mel Brooks, Rob Reiner and Harold Ramis when I need a good laugh.


18 year(s) ago

we need another jerry seinfeld quality guy.

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