
The Star Wars Saga


16 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote][quote]i think i liked the prequels more when i first started watching star wars because i saw them before episodes 4-6. and i was like "o yea, this stuff i so great! special effects are awesome! man, i havent seen anything like his before...." and then i saw 4, 5, and 6 and was like "how could you go from those kinda of special effects, to these pieces of crap?" at that time i didnt know 4-6 were made before 1[/quote] See, I expected this. You guys who are 15 and 16 right now, that means you were only 6 or 7 when the prequels came out. So in many cases you hadn't had a chance to see and appreciate Star Wars before catching this big new movie event with the flashy special effects that are oh-so-kewl. Not that it's entirely your fault. I'm gonna be sure I show my kids Star Wars (and from now on when I say Star Wars, I am referring to the OT unless otherwise specified) from an early age and make sure they get it right! :Dquote] did episode 1 really come out in 97 or 98? i thought it was like 00 or 01

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