
The Trinity Revisited


18 year(s) ago

Recently I was given an assignment by one of my Seminary profs to ask some folks the following 2 questions: [b]1. What is the Trinity? 2. How does your answer to question #1 affect your every day life?[/b] I encourage you to answer these two questions. You're not being graded, nor are you going to be criticized. Thank you in advance for your participation.


18 year(s) ago

1. The trinity is the unification of the three members of the Godhead (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). 2. I'm not sure as to what kind of answer I'm supposed to give (although technically I know there is no wrong answer, but yeah lol). I guess it affects my everyday life in that I communicate to God the Father, who is in control of all things, via God the Holy Spirit, who resides in me and comforts me and acts as my conscience, and this communication was made possible through God the Son, who shed His blood on the cross of Calvary and, in effect, washed away my sins when I accepted His love...on an everyday basis. Without the all three members of the Trinity, this one-on-one communication would not be possible, as I would be so covered with sin that He could not even look upon me.


18 year(s) ago

1. The Trinity in a man made theology that is not backed by Scripture. 2. Scripture is alive with Truth that is so simple, it is Beautiful. The closest walk I have ever had with the G-d of Israel has been since I put down this lie strait from satan. Father, thank You. You are Holy and Your word so true. I thank you that You have hid these things from the wise and learned and reaveled to to babies. Thank You for choosing the lowly of the world to show Your Truth to. Your word makes perfect sence when I choose to believe. I praise You in all You do. You alone are G-d and there is no other.


17 year(s) ago

1. The trinity is an idea of how to define a God that we cannot even begin to fathom with our simple minds. The idea that Father, Son, and Spirit are one. What that means exactly I don't even begin to try to explain. Do I believe that all three make up God rule? Yes. How? Various examples throughout the bible of the three working in the lives of men and towards mankind's salvation. 2. It really makes my life and understanding simple. As Christians we try to over analyze everything with our own minds. The problem is that your mind cannot comprehend Spiritually things. You need the Spirit of God for that. Those of you who don't believe in the trinity proclaim special knowledge on the subject. Which most like you read in a book by a famous theologian who studied the Bible for long period of time. Well let me ask you something.... Didn't the Pharisee's study the God's word extensively? Weren't they Spiritually blind as well? Now let me ask you this........ Did you ask God about this topic or are you just repeating what somebody told you? This is my piece of advice to those who commented to this topic either for or against the trinity. Do not go beyond what is written. And listen to the Spirit of God and test the spirits. Not everyone who comes saying "Lord lord" is a follower of God. This is the same area that helped bring about Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. Test the spirit!

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