
there\'s this girl...


17 year(s) ago

ok i really really really like one of my friends. we are both in choir and in FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) afterschool. in case you dont know, its a college group that alot of high schools have adopted. (im in high school). the only major thing is that shes a junior and im a freshman. shes like a rlly good friend, but im not sure what to do, i just like her so much..... someone give me some advice pleaze! thankyou


17 year(s) ago

Ditto that_one_dude. Ok...just pray. Prayer changes everything. G-d will point you in the right direction sooner or later and that will be the time you will know what to do. Don't worry. G-d is always with you. Becca Praise Him!


17 year(s) ago

ok R U ready for this?.......alright heres the thing all you have to do is put it in Gods hands! i know i sound like your paster, but really after you give whats going on between you and her to God, just WAIT and let him guid you and every move you make, always be her friend but let me tell ya, like you i'm a freshmen and its to early to think/worry about haveing a girl by your side! work on being the great guy God made you to be, and then when you got that down you'll see the age difference won't mean anything too her! if thats Gods plan!


17 year(s) ago

Ok buddy, If its meant ot be God will make sure it gets done dont worry i found out that myself the hard way. Dont ask Plz. lol. but dude remeber Age doesnt mean a thing. Im a Junior, Im interested in an 8th grader right now. im praying about and seeing if our friendship should advance. but dude Just Make sure you pass all your ideas through God First and he will make sure you pick the right one.


17 year(s) ago

go for it... drop hints but dont be too different than usual you dont want to freak her out. if her friendship means a lot to you and you tell her you like her it could change everything or it could turn into exactly what you want it too. remember she may like you too she could be having this same conversation with one of her friends. you just never know


17 year(s) ago

Uh im in the same situation you are in exept im in middle school. You should go after what you want. and even the age difference doesnt matter. Just pray to god and something good will happen.....Trust Me :lol:


17 year(s) ago

U don't need to date yet! I don't get why people want to. u can do so much w/ ur life before u date I mean its not like u r going to get married!!!! just wait u will find ur perfect someone when u r ready!B)

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