
this is so sad


17 year(s) ago

this is from a song but a true storie. [b]'She walks to school with a lunch she packed. Nobody knows what she's holdin' back.'[/b] Sylvia was walking to school, the same route she took everyday. She was in a daze, thinking about a better life. She didn't even hear when he called her name.Blink ran to catch up with her, touching her arm slightly to get her attention. Sylvia winced at his touch, and it didn't go unnoticed."Sylvia, I'se been callin' ya name fo' da past five minutes." Blink looked at her, worried. "Are ya feelin' okay?" He put his hand on her forehead. Sylvia closed her eyes at the coolness of his skin against hers. [b]'Wearin' the same dress she wore yesterday. She hides the bruises with linen and lace.' [/b] "I'm fine Blink, really I am," she pleaded. Blink odded solemnly, still feeling that something waswrong. He waited a while before speaking again."Can I'se still walk ya ta school?" Sylvia smiled and nodded. Blink smiled, and the pair walked furthur down the street. When the school was in sight, Blink stopped her. "Can I'se ask ya somethin'?" Sylvia nodded, but she never got to hear what he was going to say.Just then, Race came up, panting heavily. "Blink, come quick!""Okay, hold on..." Blink turned back to Sylvia, but was interrupted again."Mush is in da hospital!" Race yelled, tugging at Blink's shirt. Sylvia nodded and Blink ran off, leaving her to walk by herself. [b] 'The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask. It's hard to see the pain behind the mask."[/b] Sylvia walked into the classroom and forced herself to play the 'happy girl' act. Mrs. Winters, the teacher, noticed that she was wearing the same dress as the day before, only now there was a rip on her left shoulder, and a blodd stain at the small of her back."Everyone, work on your geometry with a partner. I must go see the principal." The students nodded, and Mrs. Winters stepped out of the classroom and down the hall to the principal's office."Mr. Smith, please follow me." Mr. Smith got up from his desk and followed her down the hall. Together they sttod in front of her classroom window. "I'm worried about Sylvia Summers, she doesn't seem the same as she was a few weeks ago."Mr. Smith looked inside the classroom, but only shook his head. "I don't see anything out of theordinary." Mrs. Winters slowly shook her head."But the rip, and the blood stains, and the way she winces in pain when her back touches the chair and..." Mr. Smith shook his head and put a stop to her babbling."Even if what you are thinking was true," he said, "It is none of our business, and therefore there is nothing we can do about it.""But what about..." Mr. Smith put a hand on her shoulder."I believe you have a class to teach Mrs. Winters. Good-day." Mr. Smith walked down the hall, back to hisoffice. Mrs. Winters, went back to her class. [b]'Bearing the burden of a secret storm. Sometimes she wishes she was never born.'[/b] During their lunch break, David approached Sylvia. She was sitting under a tree, reading a book of poetry and eating her sandwich."Hey. Can I join you?" Sylvia looked up and saw david there, one of her truest friends, and nodded. There was silence for a long time. David fingered the rip in her dress at the shoulder. "He attacked you again, didn't he." It was more of a command for an answer, than a question."He had a reason to. If I hadn't gotten home so late, and had gotten him more liqour, then he wouldn't have hit me. It's all my fault. It would be better if I wasn't born."David shook his head sadly. He couldn't think of something to say, there wasn't anything to say. He quietly got up and walked away, leaving Sylvia to cry by herself. [b]'Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above.But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.Concrete Angel' [/b] Sylvia was walking through the streets, just as the sun was beginning to set. Suddenly, two figures appeared out of a nearby alley, and pulled her in."Hey sweet face, what's ya got dere?" Sylvia tried to get away, knowing that if she was out to late, or didn't bring him his liqour, she'd have to pay a high price."Oh look Morris," the second boy said as he pulled the bag from her weak grasp. "She's got some of da good stuff." The boy called Morris laughed and took a couple swigs from it. The second boy took it from him, taking a couple swigs from it as well."Ya right Oscar, dis is da good stuff!" The boys continued to drink until it was gone, all the while,holding Sylvia up against the wall. Morris through the bottle down, breaking it into millions of peices. He then picked up one of the larger pieces, and held it above her forearm. "Kiss me sweet face," he commanded. When she refused, he slashed her arm with the glass.Sylvia screamed out in pain, giving Morris a reason to try and cut her again. But he didn't get the chance, because out of the darkness came a figure who knocked both of them out cold.Sylvia slumped down against the wall, breathing heavily. The mystery man sat down next to her and brushed her hair out of her face. She then realized who had helped her."Why did you save me Blink?" she asked. Blink just looked at her."Ya needed me help," he said simply, shrugging his shoulders."Did you do it because you wanted to, or because you felt you had to?" Sylvia asked him. Blink just stared at her, not knowing what she meant by the question. "I knew it! Nobody loves me! Nobody needs me!" Sylvia yelled while running out of the alley."Sylvia! Come back!" Blink yelled after her, running towards the edge of the alley. But she was already halfway down the street, so she didn't hear him. And if she did, she must not have cared. Blink slumped down against the wall, tears streaming down his face. "I need you," he whispered to the night. [b]'Somebody cries in the middle of the night. The neighbors hear but they turn out the lights.'[/b] Mrs. Carey put down her book and looked at her husband, who looked at her like she was crazy. The scream filled the air again, and Mrs. Carey jumped up, with her hands on her hips, and looked at her husband."See! That little girl needs our help!" she yelled at her husband. Mr. Carey stood up next to his wife and hugged her."It's none of our business. There is nothing we can do about it." His wife started crying, so he had to say something, anything, to make her feel better. "Maybe... maybe she's sick. Yes, that's it... she's sick. And she will feel better in the morning. No need to worry about it dear. Now, it's time we turned out the lights. Good-night dear."Mr. Carey kissed his wife and turned out the lights. But he knew deep down, that she was right. But he was also right, there was nothing they could do. [b]'A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate. When morning comes it'll be too late.'[/b] Sylvia sat on the floor in the living room, crying. They were silent tears, and they just would not stop coming. She knew that it was coming to an end.He had spent double the time beating her tonight, a total of two hours. But she knew that this time, it was not her fault. She couldn't help being pulled into that alley, and being robbed of his liquor, and being an all aroung screw up in his eyes.He had left fifteen minutes ago, probably to a local bar or something. And now, Sylvia lay on the floor, crying, and feeling life slip away from her.She thought about her friends, about David who was one of her best friends. She thought about Blink, whom she loved more than life itself. She thought about what he was going to ask her that morning. Was he going to ask her to be his girl? No, why would he want someone like Sylvia? He probably wanted to know what time school would be over or something. There was no way that he could love her.She suddenly felt extremly cold, but almost at peace. She huddled into a ball, trying to keep warm. She then let the darkness overcome her. [b] 'Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above. But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.Concrete Angel' [/b] Blink sat on his bunk, pouting. Race had over reacted, Mush was fine. He had just sprained his thumb for crying out loud! Before that, he was going to ask Sylvia a very important question. But no, Race had to come and ruin it all! But he'd just have to ask her in the morning.Just then, Race came running into the room, again panting heavily. "Blink...trouble...come...now!" he yelled. Blink just rolled his eyes."Wat? Did someone break a nail?" he taunted. Race shook his head, tears streaming down his face."No! It's Sylvia..." That's all Blink needed to hear. He jumped off his bunk, and sprinted towards her house, not even taking a moment to put on his shoes. [b]'A statue stands in a shaded place an angel girl with and upturned face. A name is written on a polished rocka broken heart that the world forgot.' [/b] Blink put the rose down on the grave of Sylvia Joan Summers. He couldn't believe that she was gone. Gone forever, or until that day when he would join her in heaven. He was sure that she was in heaven, she was too much like an angel not to be.There were so many things that he never got to tell her, show her, do with her. They had once planned to go to San Francisco, just to get away and start all over. They were going to go to Coney Island together, and ride the roller costers until they threw up. He was going to show her his favorite part of Central Park, a place where the roses bloomed all year long. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, and more than just a friend. He wanted to tell her that she was beautiful, and that she wasn't a screw up, at least not to him. But now he would never get to.Mr. Summers had been put in jail, which was fortunate. Sylvia would have been glad. He knew that life would go on, it had too. Sylvia wouldn't want him to be sad, or to give up. So he wouldn't, he would do anything to make her happy.Blink kneeled in front of the grave, and prayed for the first time in five years. After he was done, he stood and looked one last time at the spot where she would lay until the end of time. He blew a kiss and walked towards Central Park.He sat in his secret spot, thinking about her. There were two things that Blink would remember for the rest of his life. One, the way that she looked when she smiled. Two, the was that the angel statue above her grave looked almost exactly like her.Sylvia Joan Summers, age 15 years old, 1884 to 1899, brown hair, blue eyes, five feet tall, left an impression on all the hearts of the people who knew her. Especially Blink and David. But most importantly, she taught them not to take anything for granted, especially the love of others. [b]'Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above. But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.Concrete Angel'[/b] Post edited by: babyangel554, at: 2007/11/30 05:56 Post edited by: babyangel554, at: 2007/11/30 05:59

Post edited by: babyangel554, at: 2007/11/30 06:23


17 year(s) ago

...Could you put these into paragraphs?


17 year(s) ago

is this better


17 year(s) ago

Dang. Kinda sobering.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)