
TVU Music Television


18 year(s) ago

WHO LOVES THAT CHANNEL???? I LOVE IT!!! I watch it all the time...I've seen just about every video! Only ones I haven't seen are the hip-hop ones and the Battery ones!! they freak me out!! but I'm thinking about watching them for the heck of it...so I can say I've seen every video on TVU!! lol! TMW Is my favorite all time show!! I've had so many comments on and emails read by obadiah on TMW! its so cool!B) My favorite videos are Activate -Stellar Kart California-Hawk Nelson Me and Jesus -Stellar Kart The one thing I have left-Hawk Nelson Life is Good - Stellar Kart Stars-Switchfoot Move -thousand foot krutch Definitley Maybe - FM-Static Rawkfist -tfk puppet-tfk Breath into me- Red Oh Gravity - Switchfoot ight like this -Decyfer down and many many many more......... B)

Post edited by: Staticstellarhawk, at: 2007/02/23 00:16


18 year(s) ago

i dont know what youre talkin about but my favorite videos are: american idiot - best green day video ever jesus of suburbia (12 min, uncut) - green day dani california - red hot chilli peppers st jimmy (live) - green day holiday/boulevard of broken dreams - green day wake me up when september ends (extended) - green day theres more but i cant think of them right now


18 year(s) ago

i watched tvu for the first year or so of when it aired the first time on sky angel dish network. i enjoyed it, but eventually they started playing videos i didn't like. music videos normally ruin songs for me, and i always tend to hate them. of songs that have been made videos that i like though, are: extol - pearl blindside - pitiful virgin black - our wings are burning actually, i really only enjoy watching live videos. they are more interesting, less boring.


18 year(s) ago

I love tvu....i watch it online. But i dont like how you have to download that plug in for it now. It sucks.

Post edited by: ohmygeezitsjess, at: 2007/02/27 19:24

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